Tuesday, December 31, 2019

Health Determinants - 1423 Words

TITLE By student’s Name Course Code + Name Professor’s Name Institution DATE Health Determinants Introduction Health plays an important factor in the everyday life. In our society, there are those who stay healthy while others always unhealthy. In the field of nursing, it is important to find out reasons as to why lack of health is a continuing problem in the society. This is the key to becoming effective in the sector. The parameters that define health are known as health determinants. These range from social, economic, personal, and environmental factors. This is an important topic as it holds the key to the professional nursing practise. Dealing with health issues is no longer an easy affair as it was earlier. In the†¦show more content†¦In the long, a certain community become prone to certain diseases than others. For nursing to be effective, it will call for the establishment of those policies that ensure equality of participation, contribution, and opportunity (Potter and Perry, 2006). Individual Health Practices and Coping Skills Individual health practices and coping skills are those activities that people are able to employ with an aim of promoting health care, preventing diseases, solving certain problems, or developing self reliance. These factors are majorly lifestyle- related. This means that the personal health practices involve certain individual choices. It should be noted that these individual choices are mostly influenced by the social, environmental, and economic factors. In most cases, all these factors would be play within places where a person stays, grows, work, and/or learns. In today’s world, human kind is presented with a lot of choices to embrace. Some of these choices adversely affect the health condition of individuals. Research has shown that heart diseases are very much associated with the psychological and biochemical pathways linkable with socioeconomic events. An example of individual health choice is smoking. The numbers of smoke rs continue to increase by each year among the younger generation. In Canada, this rate has been found in certain communities like the Aboriginals. Other hazardous behaviours that adversely affect health include: unprotected orShow MoreRelatedThe Social Determinants Of Health2207 Words   |  9 Pagesdisadvantage and significantly more health problems than the non-Aboriginal Torres strait Islander population in Australia† The social determinants of health Health as a whole is determined by the quality of life, as well as an individuals’ ability to create personal positive social and physical environments. These environments include homes, schools, workplaces and the community as a whole. According to the World Health Organisation (WHO, 2003), the social determinants of health are conditions in whichRead Moredeterminants of health Essay1371 Words   |  6 Pagesï » ¿ Health Promotion Essay- The Determinants of Health The determinants of health are economic and social conditions that affect people’s health status. These influence the living and working conditions that impacts people’s everyday living condition. Factors such as the place and the environment we live in, genetics, educational level or work status and income, as well as friends and family are some of the aspects that affects our health condition. On the other hand, the people that have an accessRead MoreHealth Policies and Health Determinants1438 Words   |  6 PagesReceived - A Discuss the ways that health can be conceptualized by a society. What are the determinants of health in humans? What is the connection between how a society defines health and how it pursues health? Has increased access to technology changed that perception over the last decade? Discuss the connection between health policies, health determinants, and health. Abstract Health policies, health determinants and health are all categories that are intertwinedRead MoreThe Social Determinants Of Health1377 Words   |  6 Pages A group of fellow students and my self conducted a public health walk in the area of hackney borough. Our aim was to observe the community and how their surroundings affected their health. On 4th November 2014, we met at 10am and started our walk at St. Johns church. Prior to this day we met up to plan on our walk and how we will conduct it. While on our walk we observed how diverse and cultural the area was, we observed the people socialising in the street, the services available for these peopleRead MoreSocial Determinants Of Health And Health1170 Words   |  5 PagesSocial determinants of health are social, economic and physical factors that affect the health of individuals in any given population. There are fourteen social determinants of health but Income is perhaps the most important of these because it shapes living conditions, influences health related behaviors, and determines food security. In Canada, people with lower incomes are more susceptible to disease/ conditions, higher mortality rate, decreased life expectancy and poorer perceived health than peopleRead MoreThe Social Determinants Of Health3749 Words   |  15 PagesHealth Promotion is an important aspect among health and the wellbeing of individuals. In order to solve the challenges facing nutrition and food practice, health promotion is way to allow individuals and the community to increase and take control over their health. The concept of Health promotion examines the implications of food and health, ethics and diversity in food and nutrition. It is very meaningful to many individuals who lack support or facing challenges because it allows professionalsRead MoreDeterminants Of Health And Health Of Canada Essay1394 Words   |  6 PagesDeterminants of health are specific categories in a person s life which impact their mental and physical health. Brought into light by a report produced for the Government of Canada by the minister of national health and welfare Marc Lalonde in 1974 tit led A new perspective on the health of Canadians Ottawa. The report sought to move healthcare in Canada from a purely physiological process into one which included preventative measures from environment and lifestyle. This behavioural approach wasRead MoreSocial Determinants Of Health And Health1238 Words   |  5 Pagesthat are not in the proper state of health. The purpose of using social determinants is to create the optimal social/physical environment that will contribute and allow individuals to enjoy a healthier lifestyle, and thus become healthier. (Social Determinants of Health - Healthy People, n.d., p. 01) The Five key areas that are addressed in the social determinants of health are: Economic Stability, Education, Social and Community Context, Health and Health Care, and Neighborhood and Built EnvironmentRead MoreSocial Determinants Of Health And Health873 Words   |  4 Pages Better research on immigrant health and health outcomes would go a long way to shining a light on how to tackle these problems. The current debate in the research concentrates on social determinants of health such as acculturation, which of course influences a lot of other health and healthcare decisions made by immigrants. However, only focusing on social determinants of health undermines the importance of other factors that also heavily affect immigrant health in the United States. SpecificallyRead MoreThe Determinants Of Health And Wellbeing2634 Words   |  11 Pages The Determinants of Health Wellbeing Public Health of an individual The purpose of this assignment is to analyse a public health issue that is an occurring issue with a service user I have come in contact with during practice. Obesity is the public health issue that will be discussed and the policy that relates to it ‘Reducing obesity and improving diet’ which was published by (Department of Health, 2013). This policy addresses the public health issue and provides ideas

Monday, December 23, 2019

Franz Kafkas The Metamorphosis Essay - 1105 Words

In this paper I will interpret the short story, The Metamorphosis, by Franz Kafka. My purpose is to explain to my classmates the short story’s goal what Kafka wanted to transmit to people. I want to expand more why this short story is considered one of the best poetic imagination works. In my research I expect to use Kafka’s work, The Metamorphosis as my primary source. Important other sources include essay critiques from different editors, which will help us to understand much more what Franz wanted to express. The point of view of this story is very interesting because it is in the third person. We do not know who narrates the story. There is nobody in the house telling us the story, and there is†¦show more content†¦How can you present to your family and your boss that you are a bug? How are you going to explain it to them? As we see he is not really worried anymore about his body or how come something like this can happen in real life, instead he is worried how is he going to present himself like that in front of other people. He is concerned about work, because he cannot catch the train and go to work that day. He just wonders what should he say to other people when they come and knock in his door. In this part we can see that something wrong and mysterious is going on. How come a person that is just transformed from a normal person to a bug, is not concerned for that, but is concerned about work and his family. In fact when he is concerned about family we come to a very good point. He is concerned for what will happen to his family after he is fired and cannot support them anymore. This shows the altruism of this person. Gregor’s transformation changes everybody’s daily routine. Gregor cannot work anymore. His sister now has to take care about him. His mom does not have a normal life now and on because she is really shocked with what happen and she does not have the courage to go and see Gregor until a long time passes. His dad is more nervous now, and he does not behave like before anymore (Hill 161). Gregor’s sister, Grete, is the only one most caring about him.Show MoreRelatedFranz Kafkas The Metamorphosis640 Words   |  2 PagesKafka’s The Metamorphosis, is the story of Gregor Samsa, a traveling salesman who is responsible for the financial well-being of his entire family, yet experiences an unfortunate metamorphosis into a giant bug. However, while Gregor undergoes a disturbing physical transformation, the family dynamic changes drastically as well. The family’s treatment of Gregor slowly deteriorates from them regarding him as the basis for their financial success and security to regarding him as no more than an extraordinaryRead MoreFranz Kafkas Metamorphosis Essay1132 Words   |  5 Pagesto me? he thought.†(Kafka, 495) This quote is from the narrator in Kafka’s tale; The Metamorphosis, when Gregor Samsa wakes up and finds himself turned into a giant insect, and it was apparently not a dream. Gregor was a traveling salesman, he hated his job, but he was forced to stay in that business in order to pay his father’s debts to his boss, and maintain a comfortable lifestyle to his family. Kafka presents the metamorphosis event in an interesting way, when it seemed that Gregor was not shockedRead More Franz Kafkas Metamorphosis Essay779 Words   |  4 PagesFranz Kafkas Metamorphosis The play metamorphosis was written by Franz Kafka but Steven Berkoff produced a theatre adaptation of Metamorphosis in the late 1960’s. Kafka was born 1883, his childhood was most troubling and life hard, as he was a Jew growing up in German culture, also being ignored and alienated is why Kafka could relate to the character Gregor. Kafka had a hard relationship with his Father who would mistreat him and often tell Kafka he was a failure and a disappointmentRead MoreA Summary of Franz Kafkas Metamorphosis1244 Words   |  5 Pagesï » ¿ Metamorphosis Franz Kafkas Metamorphosis is a chilling story of a man named Gregor, who wakes one morning to find himself transformed into a giant insect. As expected, his family is shocked, but tries to adjust to the situation. However, over time his family comes to reject him and sees his continued existence as a burden. Wishing him dead, his family gets their wish when Gregor finally dies and his loss is then seen as a blessing. Although the author meant this tale to be symbolic of theRead MoreLiterary Structure of Franz Kafkas Metamorphosis724 Words   |  3 PagesAn Analysis of the Structure of The Metamorphosis The structure of Franz Kafkas Metamorphosis establishes it as a kind of inverted, adult fairy-tale, in which regression (rather than progression) of forms occurs, good goes unrewarded and unappreciated, and evil triumphs. The story, of course, is satirical in concept, but the satire is felt chiefly because of the way in which the story stands the concept of the fairy-tale on its head. Gregor, who in a childs story, might progress from bugRead MoreFranz Kafkas Novella, The Metamorphosis Essay1199 Words   |  5 PagesOne of the saddest aspects of Franz Kafkas novella, The Metamorphosis, concerns the fact that young Gregor Samsa genuinely cares about this family, working hard to support them, even though they do little for themselves. On the surface, Kafkas 1916 novella, seems to be just a tale of Gregor morphing into a cockroach, but, a closer reading with Marx and Engels economic theories in mind, reveals an imposing metaphor that gives the improbable story a great deal of relevan ce to the structure of Read MoreIsolation In Franz Kafkas Metamorphosis1145 Words   |  5 Pageswho chose to be away from their problems in the world. Everyone in the Samsa family has their own reasons of why they chose to be isolated from society. Due to these choices, the entire Samsa family also undergo transformations. The book, Metamorphosis by Franz Kafka , reveals how isolation in the Samsa family really plays apart as to who they are and what they represent in society.   Ã‚   The entire Samsa family portrays their isolation in unique ways. Beginning with Grete, Gregor’s little sister. GreteRead MoreStandards in Franz Kafkas The Metamorphosis Essay803 Words   |  4 PagesIn Franz Kafka’s story The Metamorphosis, Gregor Samsa falls victim, to some strange affliction which somehow turns him into a colossal insect of some sort. His bizarre and tragic story takes place in a European apartment in the early twentieth century; a time in which much stock was placed in both etiquette and the appearance of propriety. These standards found throughout the society in which he is placed leads to his ultimate downfall. When Gregor wakes up in his bed to find he has become anRead MoreEssay on Franz Kafkas Metamorphosis604 Words   |  3 Pages In the Metamorphosis, Franz Kafka transforms the main character, Gregor Samsa, into a bug. Kafka chose the bug for several reasons. The bug is a symbol for the life that Gregor has. His life is full of loneliness and emptiness. Furthermore, Kafka wrote this book shortly after the Industrial Revolution. There is a connection between the bug-form of Samsa and the transformation of workers into machines. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Gregor Samsa is a traveling salesman who brings in most of the incomeRead MoreAn Analysis Of Franz Kafkas Metamorphosis707 Words   |  3 Pageslife of Jesus Christ and Gregor Samsa reinforce the importance of biblical references to the novel. Author Franz Kafka used biblical allusions throughout The Metamorphosis to emphasize that Gregor’s metamorphosis could only be completed after the apple was lodged in his shell, his sister Grete betrayed him, and his death. A significant symbol that frequently recurred throughout The Metamorphosis is the apple. In biblical context the apple commonly represents the original sin committed by Adam and Eve

Sunday, December 15, 2019

Shaping Special Education Free Essays

Running head: Shaping Special Education From Past to Present: Shaping Special Education Laura Terpstra Grand Canyon University: SPE 523 May 30, 2012 From Past to Present: Shaping Special Education Fundamental Concepts and Philosophies The history of American special education has taken a long, ever-evolving journey to get to the place it is today. Marilyn Friend (2008) discusses how in the early twentieth century students were still not accepted into public schools. Students who had physical or mental disabilities were placed into separate classes, made up entirely of students with disabilities. We will write a custom essay sample on Shaping Special Education or any similar topic only for you Order Now Throughout the first half of the twentieth century students with a wide range of disabilities were enrolled in special education classes. Over the past century, various court cases have defined how special education has changed. In 1954, the Brown v. Board of Education, gave way to questions about whether or not separating special education students from the general education population was appropriate or not. Some people believed that taking students out of the classroom gave them a label for their disability and therefore was discriminatory towards students, rather than helpful in providing services they needed to make them successful. Friend, 2008, p. 47) Not only did educators become advocators for children’s with disabilities, so did parents. The Mills v. Board of Education (1972) sparked the determination of providing special education services for students. In response to various lawsuits against the Board of Education legislation created mandates to ensure the rights f or students with disabilities. Structure of Special Education Parents continued to push for the rights of children, as well as congress. The Elementary and Secondary Education Act of 1965 were laws that provided funding to states to assist them in creating and improving programs and services for children with disabilities. The Education for All Handicapped children Act in 1974 was created to allow full educational opportunities for students with disabilities. In 1986, the federal special education law was changed to include services for infants and young children. (Friend, 2008, p. 49) In 1990, the Education for All Handicapped Children Act was changed to Individual with Disabilities Act (IDEA) and more disabilities were added. The most recent change was in 2004 when provisions were added to help resolve disputes between parents, as well as the requirement for student instruction to be taught using evidence-based practices. Federal law forced educators to change their view of special education students and how to best serve their needs in the school environment. Also in 2004, President Bush and Congress wanted IDEA to align with No Child Left Behind Act of 2001 so that schools would be held accountable for making sure students with disabilities achieve high standards (Friend, 2008, p. 68). Jill Hockenbury (2000) pointed out that special education is a key part of the public education system but that there are still challenges in special education today. Critical changes that are needed in special education include constructing a defensible philosophy of education, providing effective and intensive instruction, and improving the quality of teacher training. These changes are still being worked on today. The needs of children today are demanding that teachers provide effective instruction, that’s meaningful and allows the teacher to reach all levels of development in one classroom. Trends and Issues Quality teacher training is also one of the biggest challenges facing special education and relates directly to a key topic heard a lot about in special education, which is inclusion. Inclusion centers on the belief that students with a disability should be allowed to be a part of the general education classroom. However, inclusion is difficult because of the requirement of the general education teacher. The general education teacher should be able to meet the needs of the students in his or her classroom, which can be difficult depending on the students needs. However, inclusion states that students should be in the classroom full time, receiving instruction the same as non-disabled peers, and there should be no need for pull-out. In some cases, members of a child’s IEP team may not agree on the appropriate environment for a student. With increased opportunities for teachers to have training with research-based methods and strategies, this area should be able to improve in the future. Researchers have stated that inclusion is beneficial to both students with disabilities, and those without disabilities. A study done investigating perceptions of learning of nearly 5,000 kindergarten students through 12th grade revealed that students with disabilities wanted to learn the same material, use the same books, and enjoy the same homework and grading practices as typical peers. (Friend, 2008, as cited in Klinger and Vaughn 1999) Other trends in special education include universal design for learning and differentiation. Universal design for learning (UDL) is the instructional approach that students with disabilities should have access to the curriculum. Along with UDL is the use of differentiated instruction (or differentiation) to explore the concepts of UDL further. Differentiation means that within one environment, students with multiple needs will have their needs met through various ways. UDL and differentiation should be utilized by general education teachers to meet the needs of their special education student. (Friend, 2008, p. 77) These trends are all key concepts in the world of special education. They all impact the way special education teachers should teach to meet the needs of all their students. Pat Beckman (2001) reiterated this fact stating that â€Å"improved student learning requires teachers, schools, and districts to give up unproductive traditions and beliefs, replacing them with validated practices and a full understanding of the intent of the law. † IDEA requires teachers to use â€Å"programs, interventions, strategies, and activities† that are researched based. (Friend, 2008, p. 63) As the needs of students increase, the resources provided need to increase, which is the responsibility of those providing the education. Special education has come very far since placing disabled students in their own separate classroom, but it still has a long way to go. There is much to be said about meeting the needs of special education students and reaching those administrators, parents, and educators who still do not have a full understanding of inclusion. References Beckman, Pat (2001), Access to the general education curriculum for students with disabilities, Council for Exceptional Children, retrieved May 28, 2012 from http://www. cec. sped. org/AM/Template. cfm? Section=HomeTEMPLATE=/CM/ContentDisplay. cfmCONTENTID=5519 Friend, M. 2008). Special education: Contemporary perspectives for school professionals. Boston, MA: Allyn Bacon. Hockenbury, J. C. , Kauffman, J. M. , Hallahan, D. P. (2000). What is right about special education. Exceptionality, 8(1), 3-11. Obiakor, F. E. (2011). Maximizing access, equity, and inclusion in general and special education. Journal Of The International Association Of Special Education, 12(1), 10-16. U. S. Department of Education (2007) â€Å"Thirty Years of Progress in Educating Children With Disabilities Through IDEA†, retrieved May 28, 2012 from http://www2. ed. gov/policy/speced/leg/idea/history30. html How to cite Shaping Special Education, Papers

Friday, December 6, 2019

Differences between Northern Renaissance Art Essay Example For Students

Differences between Northern Renaissance Art Essay Differences between Northern Renaissance Art and Italian Renaissance Art BY noe1201019 There are many differences between Northern renaissance art and Italian renaissance art. They are quite different. While Italian renaissance art tended to show the body in an idealistic way, Northern renaissance art hid the body. The art was very realistic, but drapery hid the body in a medieval fashion. That makes one major difference between the two: Italian was classical and Northern was medieval. Northern art had an immense amount of symbols in it. A good example of Northern art is the Emerged Altarpiece, painted by Robert Camping in 1425-1428. In this piece, there is an incredible amount of symbolism, it is painted in a medieval style (drapery hides the body, etc. ), theres a tremendous amount of detail put into it, and perhaps one of the most defining features of it is that it has got the patron in it. Since it was commissioned by someone besides the church, they wanted to be put in the piece of art that they paid to be painted. The patrons of the altarpiece appear on the far left side, as if they were part of the scene itself. Now we have Italian renaissance art. Some defining characteristics of it are that it is very classical (drapery tends to cling o the body, revealing the perfection of all the idealized bodies), they used plenty of linear perspective (whereas Northern art was more medieval, so they didnt much care for that), they liked using illusions in their work, and they didnt have patrons in their work because the church usually commissioned all the art. Botulisms Birth of Venus is a good example of Italian renaissance art. It not only has tons of drapery clinging to the females bodies, but it also has a nude person, common in classical art. This piece shows no particular patron, and so we can assume that it was commissioned by the church. One work of art commissioned by a patron is the Emerged Altarpiece. Since this is a triptych, it has three panels. The patrons, that are identifiable as bourgeoisie from nearby Michelle, appear in the left panel (the female donor and the servant in that panel appear to have been added later by a different painter once it was completed). Since the patrons wanted to be in it, it had to be modified from the original. A peculiar example of patrons being in a work of Italian renaissance art is the Adoration of the Magi, painted by Sandra Poetically in 1476, and commissioned by the Medici family. The Medici family was a pretty huge deal back then. Therefore, if they wanted to be in a painting, they would be in a painting. Poetically painted many members of this high-class family in this work of Italian renaissance art. Yet another example of patrons in a work of art is Hugo van deer Gooses Portrait Altarpiece, painted in 1475. It is another triptych, so it is divided in three. The difference between this one and the earlier one is that instead of having the patrons on Just one side, they are on both sides of the piece, as if they were watching it. It is very medieval. The patrons in this seem to almost be a part of what is happening, but they dont seem connected.

Friday, November 29, 2019

Unfortunate Irony Hope Ariel Dorfman Essay Example

Unfortunate Irony Hope Ariel Dorfman Essay Essay 2 Unfortunate Irony In the poem â€Å"Hope† by Ariel Dorfman the use of irony is what really sets and delivers the mood of this heart wrenching story. The author uses a very straight forward approach in this poem because they are essentially just telling the story, adding loose rhythm and rhyme structure. The best way for the author to get the point of this tragedy across is with subtle but profound irony. The mother and father finding â€Å"joy† in this horrible event is the best example of irony. Irony in my opinion is what can really drive home the feeling of the author or lyricist and is a way to completely change the direction of feeling. In Hope, when the author says â€Å"we couldn’t find out anything else about him†, it’s as if the author’s implying they don’t know where they are taking him, what they are doing with him, or if they’ll ever see him again. The irony in this statement is that we assume that until completing the poem and rereading it, that maybe the parents will not get to see the child grow up. We will write a custom essay sample on Unfortunate Irony Hope Ariel Dorfman specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now We will write a custom essay sample on Unfortunate Irony Hope Ariel Dorfman specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer We will write a custom essay sample on Unfortunate Irony Hope Ariel Dorfman specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer The author is speculating this early on that they will not see their child do all those things we have all been able to do and our parents have watched us do. Because they already know and somewhat accept what is going to happen to the child. The author is completely aware of what kind of situation this has brought about. You see this when Ariel says, â€Å"somebody tell me frankly what times are these, what kind of word, what country†. Ariel knows, these are terrible times†¦ This type of irony really reminds of classic and contemporary country lyrics. The one that comes to mind immediately is â€Å"He Stopped Loving Her Today† by George Jones. The story he tells is of a man that’s hopelessly in love with a former lover that no longer loves him. The opening line really sets the tone with Jones’ haunting twang, â€Å"He said I’ll love you till I die, She said you’ll forget in time. † But as the story explains, he doesn’t. Jones’ lyrics are extremely painful when describing the setting of his home and how he has held on to items that are linked to her. He kept some letters by his bed, Dated 1962, He had underlined in red, Every single I love you. † The verse right before the chorus and the chorus itself are what show the very unfortunate irony. The person telling the story explains how he went to see his friend and he’s â€Å"All dressed up to go away, First time I’d seen him smile in years†, the man had finally found the end to his pain on his way to his own funeral. The chorus, â€Å"He stopped loving her today, They placed a wreath upon his door, And soon they’ll carry him away, He stopped loving her today. To find happiness in such a way just shows how bad the pain actually is, just like in â€Å"Hope†. To find any amount in joy due to horrific pain and sadness, is very sad and it is understandable how the family of the child in â€Å"Hope† and the friends of the man in â€Å"He Stopped Loving Her Today† can find joy in these extremely sad and difficult situations The ultimate display of irony in â€Å"Hope† is after Ariel acknowledges the circumstances and situation their family has found themselves in and how to deal with it. They say they recognized his voice, his screams, they say†, this is very powerful and very disturbing. This leads to the ultimate question of this piece, â€Å"What I’m asking is how can it be that a father’s joy, a mother’s joy, is knowin g that they, that they are still torturing their son? † And the joy and comfort they find by knowing that if he is being tortured that is still alive and that still leaves a window for hope. Which means that he was alive five months later and our greatest hope will be to find out next year that they’re still torturing him eight months later, and he may†¦ might†¦ could still be alive. † That is unfortunate irony, finding joy in a loved one being tortured because at least there is still hope they will one day be reunited with their child. Works Cited Dorfman, Ariel. â€Å"Hope†. Kirszner/Mandell Literature: Reading, Reacting, Writing Jones, George. â€Å"He Stopped Loving Her Today† http://www. cowboylyrics. com/lyrics/jones-george/he-stopped-loving-her-today-18102. html

Monday, November 25, 2019

Russian Nationalism and Ethnic Relations essays

Russian Nationalism and Ethnic Relations essays Nationalism is defined by dictionary.com as devotion to the interests or culture of ones nation. Ethnic relations are simply relations between one ethnic group and the next, how they interact and deal with each other. These two themes now that I think about have been recurring the entire quarter, in almost everything we read or saw, in one form or another. No matter where you go there are going to be differences between ethnic groups, and every group is going to interact differently. In Brother, it was Danila reacting to the Chechens on the bus, and not liking the Jews, and not having a problem with the Germans as long as they were not Jews. In Prisoner of the Mountains, Vania does not have any problem with the little girl, in fact he quite likes her, and is a nice person to her and the others such as her family. Whereas his fellow captive doesnt have any guilt about killing them and letting the man with no tongue fly off the cliff. Another example, and probably one of the best ones is Window to Paris, even though that was not mentioned on our essay topic sheet as a text to go with this particular topic I believe it factors into the equation as well, and that it is completely relevant. Window to Paris could possibly be one of the most classic examples of Russian nationalism and ethnic relations for this class. You have the Russ ians, who found this window to France, so now theyre dealing with the French, the culture, the Culture, the lifestyle, everything, because they now are IN France, and they see how different it is. When they enter France, they find it inconceivable, almost; that the French have all this food lined up in the streets at the markets, and that it does not all go to waste. The Russians do have pride in their country, I believe the word pride can be used as a synonym for nationalism, regardless of what might be said, or shown in this movie. Everyon...

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Technology Evaluation - Big Data Analytics Research Paper

Technology Evaluation - Big Data Analytics - Research Paper Example Furthermore, Sathi (2012) explains that most enormous data projects normally originate from the desire of answering specific questions relating to business operations. These questions might include on how to increase sales, effectively manage the organization's human resources, and methods of cutting organizational costs. Liebowitz (2013) therefore maintains that with the right platform of big data analytics, an organization will gain the capacity of increasing efficiency, boosting sales, improving operations, risk management, and customer service. This paper is an evaluation study plan, aimed at understanding the benefits and costs of using the technology of Big Data Analytics. In meeting the objectives of this paper, the researcher will identify the research questions that this technology aims to solve, methods used in conducting the study, the limitations, and timeline of events. As large business organizations initiate measures of improving the security system of their computer networks, a common method is being used to employ security staff, as well as establishing a central Information Technology security system (Bethlehem and Biffignandi, 2012). Business organizations have increased an emphasis on the physical security, personal safety, as well as the protection of their important critical infrastructures. This has led business organizations and higher learning institutions to develop a wide range of job titles, reporting relationships, segmented job functions, for purposes of describing how to approach the privacy of data, and protecting personal information, intellectual properties, and security of networks and computer systems (Kibert, 2012). Big Data Analytics concerns itself with analyzing enormous volumes of data, and this becomes a security issue.

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Television Programming Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Television Programming - Essay Example Everyone is responsible for what they watch, and therefore it becomes a personal decision when it comes to what one chooses to belief. Television advertising and programming are known to affect people’s perceptions and believes (Myers & Biocca, 1992). Visual programming and advertising can alter the way someone sees her body and this is particularly so among women as it affects them most. An example can be seen whereby the media advertisements and programming most of them portray the perfect body of a woman to be thin (Myers & Biocca, 1992). There are those advertisements and programmes that promote dieting and cutting weight which show that the body of a woman is targeted in most programming and advertisements. One is likely to follow these advertisements and programmes by starting to cut on weight. A woman’s body is exposed as something that is viewed for its attractiveness, that it should be slender. The impact that such programming and such advertising has is mostly seen by the increase in the number of women who are dieting and the number of television programmes that host shows about slimming. Advertisements are meant to appeal to the wider populace. An advertisement aims at ensuring that people note whatever product is being advertised (Bhargava, 2009), people who watch advertisements are likely to buy a certain product because of its advertisement in the same way a programme would affect someone. A person who watches a specific programmed would like to have the kind of life style that is portrayed in the programme (Petronio, 2007). Most of these programmes usually portray the American culture, people would like to mimic the behavior of the people in those programmes or the lifestyles that are shown in the programmes, and in effect, they copy the American culture.

Monday, November 18, 2019

ELL Proficiency Standards Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

ELL Proficiency Standards - Assignment Example lps the English learners gain the proficiency in English fast and this guides them in meeting the language demands and in dealing with complex areas of instructions such as science, mathematics and social studies. A student at level III can apply the knowledge of English conventions through constructing simple or compound sentences with some errors. The structure of the sentence includes regular objects as well as simple and progressive sentences. The listening and speaking domain contain two standards, the comprehension of oral communication and the delivery of oral communications. The main objective of this domain is to ensure that students engage effectively in collaborative discussions either one or one with other others, teacher led or in-group discussions. This helps in building ideas and clear self-expression ( Common core, 2014). To meet the above objectives teachers and students should engage effectively in a range of collaborative discussions such as (one-on-one or, in-group discussions. Learner to learner involvement in discussions with diverse partners is also necessary as it helps in building on others’ ideas and expressing themselves clearly. This domain contains four standards namely print concepts, phonemic awareness or coding, standard fluency and finally text comprehension. The main purpose of this domain is to help learners read and understand different texts on similar topics. Moreover, the domain assist enriching learners knowledge through use of vocabularies and to gain skills necessary in comparing and contrasting two different texts in the same topic ( Evenson et al., 2013). Many ELL students have difficulties in learning to read in English .To Build the reading fluency the teacher should encourage ELL students to reread orally books they are familiar with in English. While reading, the teacher keeps the track of errors and records them for further discussion with the student. Incorporating writing in the lesson helps student in

Saturday, November 16, 2019

Human Resources value proposition of GASCO

Human Resources value proposition of GASCO Introduction: The report presented here is regarding the HR value proposition of GASCO. GASCO is also known as Abu Dhabi Gas Industries Ltd. The company was born in the year 1978, in the very heart of the UAE (United Arab Emirates) in its capital Abu Dhabi. Value proposition is best explained by Ulrichs model which shows the factors one should look for to check whether the HR system helps to realize any value to the organization. The report will find out the same with the help of questionnaire analysis from the HRs in the company. GASCO: GASCO is also known as Abu Dhabi Gas Industries Ltd. The company was born in the year 1978, in the very heart of the UAE (United Arab Emirates) in its capital Abu Dhabi. Replying to a question about the vision of the founder of the company, late Sheik Zayed bin Sultan Al Nayhan he replied that he believed in the sound operation of the Emirates important gas assets. The amalgamation and establishment of Abu Dhabi Gas Industries Ltd or GASCO as a combined venture among the ADNOC (known as Abu Dhabi National Oil Company), Total, Partex, and Shell, and the addition of a wholly owned ADNOC Company named ATHEER in the year 2001, supported GASCO in appreciating the vision to be among the one of the most inventive, caring and respected companies in the hydrocarbon and gas industry. (Author, 2010) GASCOs promise in meeting the prospect of its diverse stakeholders employees, community, shareholders, non governmental bodies and regulatory bodies, was freshly recognized through the restitution of the combined Venture contract originally signed in the year 1978. The new contract, which is now contracted to run until the year 2028, September 30th, will permit GASCO to grasp the peculiarity of being one of the chief players in the worldwide gas and hydrocarbons industry, conducting the transportation of liquid and gas products, onshore gas processing and contributing to the economys GDP of in a responsible and sustainable manner. (Author, 2010) Literature Review: A HR value proposition is a proposal that defines the measurable and quantifiable gains that an organizations or individuals making the proposal promise to deliver. The development procedure of a HR value proposition is based on the reviews and analysis results of the gains, prices and values to be delivered to the customers by an organization, potential customers, and other constitutive groups working within and outside of the organization. It can also be viewed as positioning of a value, where term Value can be defined as = Benefits / Costs (where costs include all the risks taken). (Becker, 2002) Value is said to be added to a HR proposition when the work done by the HR professionals helps people to accomplish their goals and targets. What matters most is the benefits a person receives from this work and not design or the way the program was made or the policies used in declaration. The actions which do not fulfill these goals are not pursued. Hence HR value proposition can be viewed as the exercises, professionals involved and departments which work to achieve this aim and work to obtain productive and positive results for all the stake-holders like people working, managers, etc. (Spickett-Jones, 2003) Regrettably, in some organizations HR proposition is not seen as a group of people brought together to build something productive, rather it is seen as a cost centre. As such many of such groups are closed down during cost cutting processes. In order safeguard their position in an organization; they should increase their influence over their customers and stakeholders. They should emphasize less on their procedure and processes and more on the results and benefits they are providing. They should be in line with the productivity and their stakeholders. (Tuominen, 2004) Nowadays HR personnel are becoming redundant and its ironic that the services that they deliver are more focused on business performance improvements from central goals. With the shift in societies from an old era of business to the new knowledge and service oriented business goals and economies, having a better HR deliverable at ones exposure would become an added advantage and necessity to combat the increasing competition for an organization. (Winfried Daun, 2005) Such HR proposition values are largely effected by intangibles and managing these intangible properties of an organization. These intangible properties include : research and developments, leadership, brand positioning and strength, quality of service, speed, governance, tacit knowledge, loyalty of customers and the employees, reputation, informal processes, innovation , plant flexibility, trusted networks. Managing these intangible is important because they have deep impact on the shareholder values and are necessary regarding the future growth and expectations of the investors from the organization. (Winfried Daun, 2005) A comprehensive study by Ulrich and Brochbank shows the necessary steps required so as to deliver the required competencies to the stakeholders in a new economy. The figure below shows the systematic display of what should be done and how it should be done. This is the mapping out of HR value proposition, showing how to deliver desired stakeholder values. (Becker, 2002) Figure 1: The Ulrich and Brochbank HR Value Proposition There are 14 HR transformation criteria which have been derived from HR value proposition transformation. These are listed below: HR value proposition element: Knowing the realities of external business world Criterion 1 An efficient and efficient HR function is one which one which HR professionals who can acknowledge the external business environments and realities and adapt measures in such a way to combat these situation, allocating HR resources and apply HR practices accordingly. (Becker, 2002) Serving both the internal as well as external stakeholders Criterion 1- an efficient HR function is generating market value for its investors by increasing intangibles. Criterion 2- A good HR function increases the customer share by connecting with its target customers. Criterion 3- An efficient HR function assists its line managers to deliver strategies by developing capabilities of an organization. Criterion 4: A good HR function elucidates and lays down base for employee value proposition and improves individual abilities. (Aughton, 2005) Creating efficient HR practices Criterion 1: A good HR function can manage people, processes and practices such that it adds value. Criterion 2: An efficient HR function can manage performance management process and practices such that it adds value. Criterion 3: An efficient HR function can manage information process and practices such that it adds value. (Aughton, 2005) Developing HR resources Criterion 1: An efficient HR function can manage work flow design and processes such that it adds value HR value proposition element: Developing HR resources HR transformation criteria. Criterion 2: An efficient HR function adjusts its organization in accordance with the strategies of the business. Criterion 3: An efficient HR function makes a clear strategic plan for coordinating the HR investments with the goals of business. (Aughton, 2005) Ensuring Professionalism of the HR environment Criterion 1: An efficient HR function consists of HR professionals who carry out their duties and responsibilities accurately. Criterion 2: An efficient HR function develops HR professionals who display HR competencies. Criterion 3: An efficient HR function would invest in training, development and growth of its HR professionals. Nowadays, HR professionals make use of systemic-based competencies in order to map defined set of the HR Value Proposition and hence enhance and improve the strategies delineated by Ulrich and Brockbank so as to deliver appropriate value to stakeholders. The efforts taken by the HR professional put in action the HR proposition model by having casual link between initiatives taken by the HRs and business results desired. Instead of having a line of sight with the key stakeholders expressed in words and tables, an orderly among the HR Value Propositions provide HR professionals a clear vision as to how they should actually act so as to deliver stakeholder values. (Stuart E Woodhead, 2000) Mapping out the HR Value Proposition model provides a clear vision and framework that formulates the role of HR professionals as the service key business driver that delivers the proper stakeholder value, going beyond just theoretical model and language. It provides a fabric that generates a shared interpretation of the business, significantly assisting the communication efforts. Hence with the proper programs and policies available, it facilitates a desired environment and culture. Thus by using relevant tools and techniques required to corroborate the systemic-based competencies, the HR professionals can link the fourteen criteria of HR Value Proposition model and incorporates them into well functioning systematic HR business model. (Becker, 2002) In order to understand the working and mapping of Ulrich and Brockbank 14 criteria can be mapped using application of 2 mapping techniques, which are: à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ System Dynamics mapping à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ Socio-ecological mapping. System Dynamics mapping is centre to the growth of stakeholders driver model which makes the visible connections between employee growths, capabilities of an organization, experience of customers and returns of the investor. (Tuominen, 2004) Socio-ecological mapping is needed to carry on strategic reviews and growth in the surroundings which have become unpredictable due to intangibles. It is required to represent social trends between and within an organization and its surroundings. Diagram below gives a perspective of a high level system of the HR Value Proposition and extent of these two mapping techniques. Figure 2: System viewpoint of HR Value Proposition System dynamic mapping: System Dynamics mapping gives a technique of describing the underlying structure which establishes a blueprint of events that can more often than not contemplate changes in the efficiency of intangibles like increasing waste, cyclic phenomena in supply chains, lack of innovation, declining sales, worker burnout, and so on. (Spickett-Jones, 2003) The uses of system dynamic mapping for a HR professional are as follows: 1. Modeling and mapping the delivery of the stakeholder values over a particular frame of time (productivity, profitability, customer share etc.) in accordance with the levels of availability of tangible and intangible resources (knowledge, customers, staff, relationship management, suppliers, innovation, reputation, etc.) 2. Exploring and researching new business options like, developing a business case for practicing a new learning and growth initiative by figuring the effects of top line i.e. revenue and bottom line i.e. cost on the business performance. 3. Researching and exploring methods to solve a given problem like, exploring different options for improving the falling service quality. Socio-ecological mapping: Socio ecological mapping refers to the people in the concerned environment. Socio-ecological mapping is necessary for understanding relationships between the people in the system through different time frames. From time to time, expectations and values of an organization change around the globe. They need to act through their plans in their environments. This leads to creation of an external environment which has discontinuous and dramatic shifts in its social values and expectations from the community. This leads to a situation when people continuously change their minds regarding the choices about certain services and products. HR professionals should be able to recognize any significant changes socially that can affect their organization because such unsettling and unpredictable surrounding acts upon their industry or concerned organization. Hence, they will need to direct their strategic planning process and plans in accordance with these changes and need to build an organizational environment around, which has continuous learning and information about the surroundings in case their organizations have to be successful for the long term. In order to understand which technique should be used in what environment let us consider two situations. The first situation considers the end results of HR personnel not following socio-ecological representation in an area thats part of the HR Value Proposition as the External Business Realities element. It has not been made explicit by Brochbank and Ulrich. Regardless, this area is necessary for survival of business in the new era of service or knowledge oriented economy. The second situation studies a position in which HR professionals use Systems Dynamics representation to display how their efforts add stakeholder value. Both situations involve System Dynamics mapping for the criteria titled as Serving external and internal stakeholder in the HR Value Proposition Model. In one case, the contribution was important and distinct while in other case was not so significant. Figure 3: Organization in framework with its surroundings Figure 4: Organization in situation with its Industry surroundings The term extended social field addresses to the area beyond the organizations industry environment. This is also in reference with the wider or global community as in contextual environment. According to criterion 1: An efficient and efficient HR function is one which one which HR professionals who can acknowledge the external business environments and realities and adapt measures in such a way to combat these situation, allocating HR resources and apply HR practices accordingly. It insists on the fact that organization should pay attention to its environment outside the firm. The HR professionals should be able to engage in conversation regarding the changes in external surroundings like changes in economy, rates technologies and so on. In order to keep them informed about the new information, HR professionals should conduct environmental scans using processes which have been transformed from OST (Open Systems Theory). OST is social science knowledge body that manages people and their organizations and should have an open, clear, adaptive and active relationship with their surroundings over time so as to ensure viability and good results. It also says that people can be seen as purposeful and informative open systems that can change and generate systems and their surroundings. Serving external and internal stakeholders other criteria are: Criterion 2- an efficient HR function is generating market value for its investors by increasing intangibles. Criterion 3- A good HR function increases the customer share by connecting with its target customers. Criterion 4- An efficient HR function assists its line managers to deliver strategies by developing capabilities of an organization. Criterion 5: A good HR function elucidates and lays down base for employee value proposition and improves individual abilities. These criteria are being depicted in Figure 4 which concerns the Organization in context with the industry environment. Hence we can see that representing the information in form a systematic form makes it easier for organization-industry interface to provide HR professionals with chances to make clear, significant and visible necessary contributions to performance of business forming a unique view; so as to adapt with increasingly significant and emerging new service or knowledge oriented economy. Research Questions The concern here is to verify the extent till which, GASCOs HR system delivers value proposition. For this purpose, we will use the Ulrich model as shown in literature review and will verify the 5 dimensions of the model in GASCO. In this report, we will check whether the five dimensions in Ulrich model are satisfied in GASCO and will comment on the value proposition of companys HR system. The concerned objectives would be as follows: Ulrichs Value proposition dimension Criterias to check for Knowing the external business realities Checking for HRMs efficiency in understanding realities of external business and thus adding value. Serving External and Internal Stakeholders Any increase in the value of investors money by HR system. HR capacity to increase customer share HRs capacity to motivate line mangers to participate in strategic issue. Enhancing individuals ability Creating HR practices Management of employees in such a way that add to value Managing performance of the employees Information is correctly managed and utilized Hr manages work flow design and adds value to the organization. Building HR resources HR alignment to strategic objectives of the business HRs clear strategic planning process and alignment of strategic business objectives with HR objectives Ensuring Professionalism To check the presence of a professional HR system Training and developments presence in the organization. Methodology The methodology involves conducing survey analysis to test the research questions in GASCO as presented in above section. The methodology is divided into two parts: Literature review and finding the factors we should look for finding the value proposition of GASCO Prepare separate questionnaire for every dimension (5 separate questionnaires) Analysis of the result using excel charts The questionnaires would be distributed to HRs in the company. With a small help from of one of our contact in GASCO, we distributed these instruments in the company in which 30 people from HR staff participated. The questionnaires are designed so that they address every aspect of research questions given above. Questionnaire: Knowing the external business realities Do you keep the track of competitors strategies and use the information in forming HR practices? Strongly Agree Agree Dont know Disagree Strongly disagree Do you keep the track of quality of Human resource existing in the market? Strongly Agree Agree Dont know Disagree Strongly disagree Do you conduct regular meeting (formal or informal) with the HRs of competitors so that you can get aware of the external environment of the HR system in the industry? Strongly Agree Agree Dont know Disagree Strongly disagree Do you aware yourself with the rules and regulation of the government that are existing and that can exit in future to make a better HR policy? Strongly Agree Agree Dont know Disagree Strongly disagree Do you choose employees taking into consideration the relations with the suppliers, contractors, clients etc? Strongly Agree Agree Dont know Disagree Strongly disagree Do you consider the cultural aspect of the employees in your HR systems? Strongly Agree Agree Dont know Disagree Strongly disagree Taking the example of the giant recession which the world recently faced, did you took any steps like shortening of work force, reduction of pay to respond to the situation and cut the cost? Strongly Agree Agree Dont know Disagree Strongly disagree As GASCO is an exploration firm, do you intake scientist and other post of employees taking into mind the kind of work going on in the industry? Strongly Agree Agree Dont know Disagree Strongly disagree Technology keeps on changing, when you hire an employee, do you keep in mind the present and future techno skills which the employee should know? Strongly Agree Agree Dont know Disagree Strongly disagree Do you conduct regular training to bridge the gap between present skills and those required as according to recent external environment characteristics? Strongly Agree Agree Dont know Disagree Strongly disagree Questionnaire: Serving internal and external stakeholder Do you keep an eye on companys intangibles and try to increase these in GASCO? Strongly Agree Agree Dont know Disagree Strongly disagree Do you conduct regular training for the employees to increase their capabilities? Strongly Agree Agree Dont know Disagree Strongly disagree Do your staff is in contact of the customers? Strongly Agree Agree Dont know Disagree Strongly disagree Do you keep an eye on the organizational suppliers and try to maintain and build strong relationships with the suppliers? Strongly Agree Agree Dont know Disagree Strongly disagree Do you take the feedback of your distributors and other stakeholders and then apply them in modifying your HR strategies? Strongly Agree Agree Dont know Disagree Strongly disagree Do you encourage your line managers to come up with a solution on their own and appreciate employee participation? Strongly Agree Agree Dont know Disagree Strongly disagree Do your staff make regular visit at customer end and try their best to understand the need of the customers and deliver them on time? Strongly Agree Agree Dont know Disagree Strongly disagree As GASCO is an exploration firm, do you intake scientist and other post of employees feedback in aligning the need of the organization with current trend in the market? Strongly Agree Agree Dont know Disagree Strongly disagree Do you keep an awareness of investors attitude towards the company? Strongly Agree Agree Dont know Disagree Strongly disagree Do you make changes in your policy as to consider the investors reaction? Strongly Agree Agree Dont know Disagree Strongly disagree Questionnaire: Creating HR practices Do you keep try to create policies that helps in building up a culture rather than making just a profitable entity? Strongly Agree Agree Dont know Disagree Strongly disagree Do you conduct performance appraisal of employees on regular basis so that possible value addition action can be taken? Strongly Agree Agree Dont know Disagree Strongly disagree Do you appreciate any value addition in employee by proving certifications or by rewarding the employees adding some value in the firm? Strongly Agree Agree Dont know Disagree Strongly disagree Do you manages the work flow so that every step, the value can be recognized? Strongly Agree Agree Dont know Disagree Strongly disagree Do you use value chain analysis in your system? Strongly Agree Agree Dont know Disagree Strongly disagree Do you encourage performance management techniques at the workplace? Strongly Agree Agree Dont know Disagree Strongly disagree Do your ensure work life balance so that more satisfaction can be creating for employees and the job turnover rate can be enhances? Strongly Agree Agree Dont know Disagree Strongly disagree Do you take employee feedback and try to use these feedbacks in ways that ensure value addition to the organization? Strongly Agree Agree Dont know Disagree Strongly disagree Do you keep information about the employees, their skills, areas of expertise, potential etc? Strongly Agree Agree Dont know Disagree Strongly disagree Do you create a culture of learning and learning sharing? Strongly Agree Agree Dont know Disagree Strongly disagree Questionnaire: Building HR resources Are you aware of Strategic plans of the business? Strongly Agree Agree Dont know Disagree Strongly disagree Do you make adjustment in the organizational human resource, in terms of number of employees, posts in firm etc? Strongly Agree Agree Dont know Disagree Strongly disagree Do you make a periodic diagnosis of the firms requirement and then predict future requirements? Strongly Agree Agree Dont know Disagree Strongly disagree Do you enter into practices like Knowledge management or Learning Management system that can give you a strategic advantage? Strongly Agree Agree Dont know Disagree Strongly disagree Do you hire employees keeping in mind future need of the organization? Strongly Agree Agree Dont know Disagree Strongly disagree Do you take steps to store the knowledge of the present employees so that even in the case these employees do not remain the part of the firm, but still there best practices can be stores in a knowledge base? Strongly Agree Agree Dont know Disagree Strongly disagree Do you have a position like KMO or Knowledge management officer so look after the suture aspect of the company? Strongly Agree Agree Dont know Disagree Strongly disagree Are your plans for strategic Human Resource planning transparent and everyone is aware with the same? Strongly Agree Agree Dont know Disagree Strongly disagree Do you considered the case where GASCO enters into another strategic partnership with a new firm and to deal with issues like cross cultural management, work force diversification etc? Strongly Agree Agree Dont know Disagree Strongly disagree Do you have a clear strategic planning process? Strongly Agree Agree Dont know Disagree Strongly disagree Questionnaire: Ensuring HR professionalism Does HR system in the company have clear roles? Strongly Agree Agree Dont know Disagree Strongly disagree Do you have a clear documented HR policy which is well structured and is comparable to best practices in the industry? Strongly Agree Agree Dont know Disagree Strongly disagree As the workforce is UAE is devised in terms of religion background, educational history, culture etc. do your policies are neutral for all of the employees and are you can equal opportunity employer? Strongly Agree Agree Dont know Disagree Strongly disagree Do you follow a well framed system for recruitment and selection? Strongly Agree Agree Dont know Disagree Strongly disagree Do you have a policy document for various aspect of Human Resource Management in the organization? Strongly Agree Agree Dont know Disagree Strongly disagree Do you keep the record of previous training and development of employees and make provision for future training according to that only? Strongly Agree Agree Dont know Disagree Strongly disagree Do you think that HR practices in GASCO helps employees to find their core competencies and which in turn, help the company to generate its own competencies? Strongly Agree Agree Dont know Disagree Strongly disagree Do you conduct training for recruiters and other HR staff regularly? Strongly Agree Agree Dont know Disagree Strongly disagree Are you connected to any professional HR practice organization which provides you regular guidelines to work and helps you to standardize your HR system and practices? Strongly Agree Agree Dont know Disagree Strongly disagree Do you have a clear strategic planning process? Strongly Agree Agree Dont know Disagree Strongly disagree Presentation of results Result for knowing the external business realities Do you keep the track of competitors strategies and use the information in forming HR practices? Do you keep the track of quality of Human resource existing in the market? Do you conduct regular meeting (formal or informal) with the HRs of competitors so that you can get aware of the external environment of the HR system in the industry? Do you aware yourself with the rules and regulation of the government that are existing and that can exit in future to make a better HR policy? Do you choose employees taking into consideration the relations with the suppliers, contractors, clients etc? Do you consider the cultural aspect of the employees in your HR systems? Taking the example of the giant recession which the world recently faced, did you took any steps like shortening of work force, reduction of pay to respond to the situation and cut the cost? As GASCO is an exploration firm, do you intake scientist and other post of employees taking into mind the kind of work going on in the industry? Technology keeps on changing, when you hire an employee, do you keep in mind the present and future techno skills which the employee should know? Do you conduct regular training to bridge the gap between present skills and those required as according to recent external environment characteristic

Wednesday, November 13, 2019

King Arthur Essay -- Essays Papers

The Coming of Arthur The Two Swords- Arthur pulls a sword from a stone and becomes king. Then he goes to the Lady of the Lake and she gives him the sword Excalibur and the magic scabbard. Balyn and Balan- Balyn gets a cursed sword and kills the Lady of the Lake. He goes after Garlon the invisible evil night and finds the Castel Carbonek. He stricks King Pelles with the Dolorous Stroke then fights his brother unknowingly and they kill each other. The First Quest of the Round Table- King Arthur marries Guinevere on Pentecost and Sir Gawine, Sir Tor, and King Pellinore go on the first quest of the Round Table. They go after a white hart, a brachet, and a knight and a damsel. The Magic of Nimue and Morgana Le Fae- Nimue puts Merlin in a deep sleep in a tower where he cannot get out. Arthur’s sister Morgana Le Fae, tricks him into doing battle against his own knight who has his sword, Excalibur. While he is sleeping, she steals his magic scabbard and throws it into the lake. Book II: The Knights of the Round Table Sir Gawain and the Green Knight- The Green Knight makes a deal with Gawain who must meet him a year later to have his head cut off. A year later Gawain goes out to find him like he promised. And stays at a man’s house where he is treated very well. The man ends up to be the Green Knight and and does not kill Gawain because he has proven that he is a noble knight. The First Quest of Sir Launcelot- King Arthur knights Launcelot, Hector his brother, and Lionel his cousin. Then Sir Launcelot kills the evil knight Sir Turquyn and saves many of the Knights of the Round Table. He also performs many other good deeds, and Lady Allewes tries to kill him. Sir Gareth, or the Knight of the Kitchen- Given the name Beaumans (fair hands) by Sir Kay, Gareth asks for a quest from King Arthur. After he kills the Black Knight, Sir Launcelot knights him. He then defeats the Green, Blue, and Red Knight and marries Lady Linnet after saving her sister, Lady Liones. Sir Tristram and the Fair Iseult- A mistral comes into King Arthur’s court and tells the tale of how Sir Tristram drank a love potion and fell in love with Iseult the Fair, his uncle’s wife, and became banished. The mistral ends up to be Tristram, and is made a knight of the Round Table. He marries another Iseult, but dies and so does... ...il and Naciens is able to die in peace. Then Galahad cures King Pelles who also dies in Peace. Percivale and Blanchefleur are married and Galahad dies. Book IV: The Departing of Arthur Launcelot and Guinevere- Guinevere is hostage by Sir Melliagraunce. Then Agravain and Mordred spy on Guinevere and Launcelot and they overhear their plans. The Plots of Sir Mordred- Launcelot and Guinevere are caught, but he escapes and saves Guinevere from being burned at the stake. Then he accidentally kills Gareth and Gaheris, Gawain’s brother, and a war is started. Sir Mordred comes to gight Arthur and Gawain dies, writing a letter to Launcelot, forgiving him and begging him to come and help. The Last Battle- Gawain comes to Arthur in a dream and warns him to make peace with Mordred for a month until Launcelot comes. The men attack during during the treaty and Arthur kills Mordred, but receives a very bad wound and is taken away on a barge with Nimue and Morgana le Fay. Epilogue: Avalon- Sir Launcelot becomes a Frier and Guinevere becomes a nun. A shepherd claims to have found where King Arthur and his knights of the round table are sleeping, but he never finds the spot again.

Monday, November 11, 2019

Finding Forrester and Outliers Essay

My views on the book were that it was inspiring and show the realistic views on life. The Outliers is set of stories that shows the errors in human nature, however, it also shows the paths of those who overcame the obstacles on the way to success. Outliers is a book that reveals how the most powerful people, those that have become idols when talking about success, had the greatest luck and opportunities already around them. When Bill Gates, owner and founder of Microsoft, was only in junior high he was already exposed to computers. Computers during Gate’s time were such a rare and limited resource that even most scientists couldn’t get a hold of one. I personally thought this was a book of good teachings. It shows that everything takes time and luck to become successful. Through his stories; 10,000 hour rule, Trouble with geniuses, two demography luck, and etc., shows a that you must put time and effort into your part and hope that fates grants you the luck. The realist ic side of Outliers is that as far as working hard can get you, success relies on a hidden aspect of luck which I like. Outliers gives off the message that you must work harder than anyone so your opportunities grow. Not to beat yourself up if something doesn’t go your way because some people are just born luckier than others. The movie Finding Forrester was a movie about a lost Bronx teenage finding his way with a help of an acclaimed author; William Forrester. Jamal lost in his own innate environment, found refuge in Forrester’s apartment. Forrester, who first was cold towards Jamal soon learned to care for Jamal like his own child. The Duo continued throughout the movie, building a father and son relationship. A relationship neither of them wanted but eventually could not live without. With the help of one another they were able to overcome one another’s problems. Forrester was once again able to go see the world he long hid from again. Forrester was given back his freedom and courage to enjoy life again, a problem he struggled with for over 40-50+ years. For Jamal, his gift was skills pasted down by Forrester, the skills he spent decades acquiring. Forrester had given Jamal everything he had back left on earth; his voucher at the writing contest, his apartment, his next book, and  his l egacy. Forrester had given Jamal everything he needed to excel and overcome any obstacles in his future. Whether you like the truth or not, never distort the truth. I believe that is what Malcolm Gladwell is trying to saying that in chapter 7. Distortion leads to miscommunication which leads to disaster. Chapter 7 talks about a discussion between pilots/co-pilots to radio towers. A real problem with pilots being to nonchalant over broadcast that it leads to fatal crashes. It shows that being nonchalant during serious matters is dangerous and potentially fatally acts. Outliers talks about how by â€Å"Sugar-coating† any type of information is dangerous because it leaves the listening party with a false sense of situation and confidence. Simple communication cannot be done correctly without both parties at a clear understanding on the topic. Otherwise you give a giant game of telephone, and as kindergarten has taught us; you only need two people to change the original message. Even if the outliers puts the â€Å"Sugar-coating’ in more of an extreme light it shows the very r eal side of how â€Å"Sugar-coating† can cause disaster.

Saturday, November 9, 2019

The Art Differences between Mediecal and Renaissance essays

The Art Differences between Mediecal and Renaissance essays Michelangelos painting of The Holy Family with the infant St. John the Baptist catches my eye more so than Jan van Eycks Madonna in the Church. These two paintings differ in many aspects because they come from two different periods of time. Renaissance paintings were often of great leaders or people of great importance, whereas Medieval paintings were mainly tied in with the Church or religion. Paintings in the Medieval years use less vivid colors than paintings in the Rennaisance. Eycks painting looks as though a mixture of four or five dark colors were used, whereas Michelangelo uses a variety of strong, bright colors. Michelangelos painting also takes on a three-dimensional effect, where you can tell that there is depth in the picture as Eycks painting does not have the same dimensional effect. Michelangelo uses this dimensional effect to make the painting more realistic to help the viewer feel as though they were inside the picture. He uses a great deal of scenery, such as the details in the landscaping of the grass and the mountains and hills in the background. Michelangelo also uses many variations in size which helps add depth to the picture. The people in the background are smaller than the people in the foreground, showing that these people are placed behind St. John the Baptist. Along with the variation in size, Michelango also uses shading or chiaroscuro to add to the three dimensional look. He uses these techniques in the appearance of the people as well as the scenery. Michelangelo adds expressions to the faces of the people in the painting, suggesting that each individual has his or her own personality. The paintings in the Renaissance use the nude to depict humanity, as Michelangelo does with the people in the background of the painting. Eyck, on the other hand does not share the use of these techniques that Michelangelo applied to his paintings. The M ...

Wednesday, November 6, 2019

Australia and Tampa Refugees essays

Australia and Tampa Refugees essays The issue that I will be arguing about is whether or not Australia should accept the Tampa Refugees? In my essay I will give my reasons that why we should and shouldn't accept the Tampa refugees. We should accept the Tampa refugees because they are fleeing from their country from punishment from the Taliban for no reason. We should only accept refugees that have a VISA stating how long of a period they will be staying. We should accept refugees so they can share or bring us new skills. The reasons that we shouldn't accept the refugees are that they are overpopulating Australia. We shouldn't accept then because if we do more and more will come. We shouldn't accept the people who don't have any "papers" or a visa. We shouldn't accept them other Islamic countries should take them in. We shouldn't accept the refugees straight away they should be in the queue like all the others. We should accept the Tampa refuges for those seeking to escape the murderous clutches of the Taliban; they are receiving punishment for no reason. The other reasons are that we should only accept refugees that have a VISA stating how long of a period they will be staying for and if they have contributed in any way since they have arrived to Australia like trying to find or getting a job then they should be allowed to stay a bit longer. We should accept the refugees that will be helpful in some ways or another so they will be able to show and share us new skills and learn more about there cultures. Why should we accept the Tampa refuges at all when all it does is overpopulating over the country and brings us no good because the Christians and the Muslims don't mix. We shouldn't accept the Tampa refugees because once we accept one lot then there will be more and more arriving and it will be harder for the Australian government to stop it. We shouldn't accept any asylum seekers if they simply don't have "papers" or a visa, "no visa, no stay, no kidding"! There ...

Monday, November 4, 2019

Integrated marketing strategy Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Integrated marketing strategy - Essay Example ecognize the proper media option in relation to communication objectives in order to facilitate customers with the actual information regarding the products and services (Percy, 2008) Contextually, the competitive market of automobile industry reveals that companies are currently facing various problems while launching new products in the market. In relation to this aspect Zamada Motor Company from Japan should consider certain strategies prior to the final launch of its products in Eastern region of Canada in relation to IMC. It is in this context that adequate significance towards the IMC approach shall enable Zamada in obtaining greater competitive advantages when introducing its â€Å"2.2† model car in Eastern Canada over its major rivals including Mini, Fiat, Ford and Toyota among others. With the intention to gain competitive advantages and better return from its diversity planning, i.e. the launch of â€Å"2.2† model car, Zamada has been targeting customers aged between 22 years to 34 years, irrespective of their gender based classification. However, for female customers, the age bar has been relaxed upto 45 years. Hence, it can be affirmed that Zamada has been primarily targeting towards the female group of customers belonging to the age group of 22 years to 45 years in order to gain competitive advantages over the available substitutes. Hereby, the sole intention of this particular marketing approach should be augmenting customer awareness regarding the brand and subsequently, increase their preferences towards Zamada through effective IMC strategies. It is worth mentioning in this context that IMC is a multidimensional approach which functions on the basis of various channels, such as direct selling, audio-visual communication channels, personal selling, and public relations among others. However, concerning the objectives of Zamada in launching a new car model as well as its targeted market segment, the channels that can be beneficial f or its IMC program are advertizing, public relation and interactive marketing (RD Marketing, 2011). With the help of the selected communication channels, Zamada shall be able to develop adequate awareness among the potential customers. Stating precisely, advertising through print, audio and audio-visual media is considered to reward better accessibility to the potential customers in the modern day context which certainly increases the chances of generating increasing sales through effective brand awareness. Similarly, effective concern towards public relation has often been regarded to be virtuous in yielding satisfactory customer loyalty towards the brand developing effective customer relationship. Nevertheless, interactive marketing assists in obtaining an in-depth understanding of the requirements and perceptions of the customers which further assists in

Saturday, November 2, 2019

Death Penalty in New York State Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Death Penalty in New York State - Research Paper Example George Kendall is documented as being the first man to be officially put to death in colonized America by the state in 1608. Since then over 20,000 accused criminals have been executed in America for a variety of offenses ranging from murder to property crimes. The inclination of jurists to award the death penalty almost at will in the early part of American history was partly influenced by the lack of penitentiaries and an organized prison system. Execution was seen as the primary method to protect society from subversive and anti-social elements. Capital punishment was also employed as a means to control the slave population and many disproportionate capital sentences were imposed on slaves of African descent when the same would not have applied to Caucasians. In New York attempted murder or rape were capital crimes only when committed by slaves (Acker, 2003). The colony of New York was originally under the control of the Dutch albeit without any formal legal system. The death pena lty was practiced and administered in an arbitrary and reckless manner in those early days. It was often the case that when the culprit could not be identified, the accused would have to â€Å"draw lots† in order to determine who would be executed. The arrival of the British to New York saw the implementation of a penal code, where the death penalty was still a frequently awarded punishment. In 1741, 18 white colonials and 13 slaves were sentenced to death by burning at the stake. However, the new British legal system also contained a clemency clause. An individual on death row was eligible for a pardon if they agreed to leave the colony or chose to enlist in the armed forces. As a result of this provision during the 18th century 51% of individuals sentenced to death in New York were eventually pardoned (Heller, 2008). The death penalty statute continued to evolve after the formation of the United States of America and the subsequent imposition of its new legal system. In 188 8, The New York State Assembly passed a statute which would see it become the first state to directly administer the death penalty. According to the statute the death penalty was mandatory for extremely grave and depraved offences. The law also called for a new method of execution, which was â€Å"death by electricity†. William Kemmler became the first man to be executed by means of electric chair, in 1890. Up until the 1930’s the State of New York was responsible for more executions than any other state. During this period state statutes were amended in order to encompass a wider array of crimes that could be punishable by death. The most significant of these was kidnapping, influenced greatly by the â€Å"Lindbergh baby’ saga which dominated headlines during this period. Due to these amendments juries were also instructed to give sentencing recommendations in trials where the convicted were eligible for capital punishment (Heller, 2008). Rise of Abolitionist Movement Throughout the colonial era and up until the mid 20th century voices that were opposed to the death penalty slowly began to grow in strength. By the 18th century many American’s had begun to question the application of the death penalty for crimes that were petty and trivial in nature. Dissenting voices could also be heard in

Thursday, October 31, 2019

To what extent can improvements in productive flow and product quality Essay - 2

To what extent can improvements in productive flow and product quality lead to an increase in sales and profit - Essay Example To meet the growing demand, it is viable to move production to a larger facility like a manufacturing plant. This can reduce the cost of production and increase the volume of sales. Increased production can reduce the cost of manufacturing per unit, and this can enable the company to lower the price of products thereby increasing sales. In order to earn more profits, it is necessary to boost sales and this can be done by producing better quality goods at reduced costs. This paper discusses how productive flow and product quality lead to an increase in sales and profit. Production and quality In any business, the traditional concept of enhancing sales and increasing profit is to increase the volume of production with innovative technologies so as to produce quality goods that will satisfy the demands of the consumers. Sales can increase when products become easily accessible and affordable for consumers. Therefore, the main focus of the management should be on increasing production an d also distribution efficiency. This concept of production is applicable in two different situations. In the first situation the demand of a product is so high that it exceeds the supply i.e. production of the product is below the quantity in demand. In this case, management should apply plans and strategies to increase production while keeping the cost of production per unit low. ... However, this same concept which is know as production concept may not work for other companies if the consumers do not find the product attractive in terms of quality, performance and innovative characteristics. In such case, it is required to follow the product concept. Under this concept the business organization should focus on improving production techniques to continuously increase the quality of products. However, there is a disadvantage, for instance, producing better mousetraps may not satisfy the consumers’ need for eliminating mice. The demand may be for other types of solutions like a chemical spray or an exterminating service. Moreover, even a good quality product cannot boost sales unless the packaging is done attractively, pricing is affordable and distribution processes are efficient. Also a good deal of promotion and advertising is required in order to convince the buyers that it is a better quality product. This calls for selling concept which implies that co nsumers will not respond to enhanced quality unless rigorous selling and promotion efforts are made by the business organization. Then there is the marketing concept which indicates that the objectives of business enterprises of increased sale volumes and enhanced profit structure can be achieved by understanding the demand curve of the target markets, and by providing quality goods for consumer satisfaction more efficiently than the competitors. The selling concept holds an inside-out perspective, which means it focuses on heavy selling of the existing products by rigorous promotions and advertisements. Contrary to this the marketing concept holds an outside-in perspective, which means it puts emphasis on consumer demand, coordinates all marketing

Tuesday, October 29, 2019

The Pythagorean Triple Essay Example for Free

The Pythagorean Triple Essay Pythagoras a Greek philosopher and mathematician is very famous for its Pythagorean Theorem. This theorem states that if a, b and c are sides of a right triangle then a2 + b2 = c2 (Morris, 1997). The study of the Pythagorean triples started long before Pythagoras knew how to solve it. There were evidences that Babylonians have lists of the triples written in a tablet. This would only mean that Babylonians may have known a method on how to produce such triples (Silverman, 16 – 26). Pythagorean triple is a set of number consisting of three natural numbers that can suit the Pythagorean equation a2 + b2 = c2. Some of the known triples are 3, 4, 5 and 5, 12, 13 (Bogomolny, 1996). How can we derive such triples? If we multiple the Pythagorean formula by 2 then we generate another formula 2a2 + 2b2 = 2c2. This only means that if we multiply 2 to the Pythagorean triple 3, 4, 5 and 5, 12, 13 then we can get another set of Pythagorean triple. The answer to that is triple 6, 8, 10 and 10, 24, 26. To check whether the said triple are Pythagorean triple, we can substitute it to the original formula a2 + b2 = c2. Check: is 6, 8, 10 Pythagorean triple? 62 + 82 = 102 36 + 64 = 100 100 = 100 Thus 6, 8 and 10 satisfy the Pythagorean equation. Δ 6, 8, 10 is a Pythagorean triple. Check: is 10, 24, 26 satisfy the Pythagorean equation? 102 + 242 = 262 100 + 576 = 676 676 = 676 Thus 10, 24, 26 satisfy the Pythagorean equation. Δ 10, 24, 26 is a Pythagorean triple. If we multiply the Pythagorean equation by 3 and using the first 2 Pythagorean triple mentioned above, we can yield another set of Pythagorean triple. Thus we can formulate a general formula that can produce different sets of Pythagorean triple. We can generate an infinite number of Pythagorean triple by using the Pythagorean triple 3, 4, 5. If we multiple d, where k is an integer, to that triple we will yield different sets of Pythagorean triple all the time. d*(3, 4, 5) where d is an integer. Check: if k is equal to 4 we get a triple 12, 16, and 20. Is this a Pythagorean triple? By substitution, 122 + 162 = 202 144 + 256 = 400 400 = 400 Thus 12, 16, 20 satisfy the Pythagorean equation. Δ 12, 16, 20 is a Pythagorean triple. Check: if k is equal to 5 we get a triple 15, 20, 25. Is this a Pythagorean triple? By substitution, 152 + 202 = 252 225 + 400 = 625 625 = 625 Thus 15, 20, 25 satisfy the Pythagorean equation. Δ 15, 20, 25 is a Pythagorean triple. But the formula given above is just a formula for getting the multiples of the Pythagorean triple. But is there a general formula in getting these triples? There are formulas that can solve each and every Pythagorean triple that one can ever imagine. One formula that can give us the triples is a = st, b = (s2 + t2)/2 and c = (s2 – t2)/2 (. A simple derivation of these formula will come from the main formula a2 + b2 = c2 (Silverman, 16 – 26). This is a shorten way to derive the formula from theorem 2.1(Pythagorean triples). a2 + b2 = c2  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   with a is odd, b is even and a, b and c have no common factors. a2 = c2 – b2   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   by additive property a2 = (c – b)(c + b)  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   by factoring (difference of two squares) by checking 32 = (5 – 4)(5 + 4) = 1*9 52 = (13 – 12)(13 + 12) = 1*25 72 = (25 – 24)(25 + 24) = 1*49

Sunday, October 27, 2019

English as a Universal Language

English as a Universal Language Language is an important tool of understanding and communicating between any members of a community in all fields of life. For the process of communications and understanding to go smoothly, one must know and be aware of signs, symbols and meanings associated with each language, as well as the cultural side behind each symbol and sign. Learning a foreign language especially English can help felicitate an individual and community ways of understanding what is going on and help to integrate and benefit from achievements as well as increase innovation. Although English is regarded as the number one spoken language in the world. one out of every five people on the entire Earth can speak English to some extent [englishenglish.com] which means fifth of the world which is not enough as those speakers come from different parts of the world and they come with different background, culture, value and beliefs. The English spoken in the UK is not the same English spoken in USA or Australia. The importance of finding a universal language due to increased movement of people and the availability of different types of communication such as the internet and other means in economic, scientific fields and the expansion of economic transactions between countries and international companies to facilitate communication in meetings between representatives of the companies. The openness of the labor market which is a result of globalization made it easier for people to travel around and look for jobs in all parts of the world which led to the pursuit of employers and major companies to take advantage of this and search for employment that reduces cost and maximizes profits, but, there is a challenge that comes along with it, the world is diverse, people come from different characters, cultures, traditions and languages. Language is not just words that are put together and structured into a sentence; it is awareness of cultures, customs and values. Therefore, the language exchanged in many companies especially international ones has a huge importance, because it means the easy exchange of information and data relating to the job among the staff as well as instructions issued by the managers, it brings employees closer together if they can understand each other and understand any technical terms that relate to the job. Religion, language and cultures are all factors that need to be taken into considerations when doing business. Each person is shaped by their own culture, where they realize it or now. Our very own opinions, beliefs and actions are dependent on the background we come from. We only realize our differences when we are faced with another culture and a different way of doing things. It is important to understand a culture to be able to communicate so that everything goes smoothly without facing problems. A worker speaking little English might have a hard time communicating and speaking up and feeling frustrated whenever having to speak the language, I personally felt this way when I was in France and just started to learn French. It is the fear of being judged and lack of confidence in knowledge which can lead them to be closed in their personal space or even worse thing would be not understanding what they have to do exactly and doing the job wrong because they were afraid to ask for help. There are different types of language that are not just expressed by words and language the is used differently between females and males and they all affect how people deal with each other in a multicultural business/work environment. Despite the many differences in defining the concept of language, I think it is ok to agree that it is the tongue of a culture; it is the channel where information travels in a nation and from a nation to another. Language is a pulse that interacts with feelings and sensations and affects them. Language is a profound mental logic that gives suggestions and gestures. Body Language Body language is communicating with people without any words spoken that are used in all aspects of dealing with others. Movements by individuals, using their hands, facial expressions, tone of voice and headshaking so that the addressee understands the message better and often used by someone unable to express what they want to say in words and wanting to clarify by making hand movements. Body language is an essential mean of communication with others that is used on daily basis. Non verbal communication is extremely important in every culture, as communication is not always with the use of words. Therefore, understanding body language and using it in a an effective manner , can improve relationships with others and may also help overcome and deal with different situations which one can be exposed to when doing business. Problems can occur from the misunderstanding of hand gestures or any other type of physical signals, because they can mean one thing in on culture and have a completely different meaning in another. You can change your body language in the workplace and the way you are looked at work, what your non-verbal communication and body language sends different messages to people you work with in an intercultural environment depending on where they come from. Despite the fact that smiling is a form of welcome in many cultures, it can be viewed as a form of embarrassment in some Asian cultures. Working with different nationalities and understanding body language is a value to the employees. In certain places the right body language can help others see your openness, flexibility and honesty. Especially in American cultures as they are all about business and getting things right therefore, sitting upright in a chair during a meeting says that you are open and alert. But it can change completely once you put your hands behind you head or cross arms in front of chest, suddenly you are expressing boredom and superiority and puts you in a defensive position. Clenching fists that is related to a nxiety or tension, scratching nose, forming a bridge with hands, reflects on lack of interest can probably make the people around you feel uncomfortable. Maintaining eye contact translate into honesty, but it is ok to look away at times as it can be seen as starring or being intense or in some Asian culture it can be looked as threatening. Respecting personal space of others is a good way to express body language in a workplace. Personal space varies to individuals from different races. (ad example for the British here) Determining the appropriate body language in a workplace in relation to touching might be a bit sensitive. A firm handshake is welcoming but touching someone on the arm, tapping on the back maybe not be. Some find it normal and some others maybe feel uncomfortable with it. In India the constant shaking of the head from side to side can be misunderstood as a non verbal way of saying no but is the contrary as it is a way to show that they understand what you are saying or a sign of agreement. Where in America shaking your head is a sign of disagreeing and saying no while people from some countries raise their chins. British people are said to be more reserved and formal. Americans are considered more open and outgoing, while Australians are seen as casual and relaxed. Gender language Different interests and tendencies between the two genders might be a reason why they speak differently. Even though woman and men live in the same environment or have the same education and lever of profession growing up there were things that were acceptable for boys to do or say and were considered to be inappropriate for girls which is maybe a reason why they communicate differently. A man has his own way of expression, he uses words that correspond with the meaning of what he wants to say exactly and briefly using specific terms that he really means while maintaining sequence. A woman may speak with simpler words and phrases. Even though they speak the same language, they do not talk in similar context. Men glorify power, efficiency and achievement. They do things to prove themselves, develop skills and strengths they have, define themselves by their ability to achieve results. Giving advice to a man without him asking for it might make him feel like he does not know what he is doing. Woman are quite the contrary, they appreciate communication, beauty and relationships. Their ideas of themselves are determined b their feelings and quality of the relationships, they feel fulfilled by participation, communicating and staying in touch. Which can maybe lead to woman getting more jobs in the service sector as they involve being chatty, social and having to face and d eal with customers. The different way of seeing things in a professional environment can lead to major miscommunication between the two genders. men and women approach communication with different interpretive frames. Where one may expect direct explicit statement, the other maybe expecting indirect expression. Not meaning men are direct and women are indirect when one expects directness and the other uses indirectness wrong interpretations and miscommunications will be the result. In a work environment if a boss who is male asks a worker who is female to finish a report he might be very direct and straight to the point while if it was a female boss she might choose her words more carefully and try not to be very pressuring if the job she asked for is not urgent. Paralanguage Sigmund Freud said He that has eyes to see and ears to hear may convince himself that no mortal can keep a secret. If his lips are silent, he chatters with his fingertips; betrayal oozes out of him at every pore. The definition of paralanguage is non verbal means of communication such as one of voice, laughter and sometimes gestures and facial expressions that accompany speech and convey meaning. Silence can also be considered as a type of paralanguage, even when we say nothing we mean something. For example, when a teacher decides to stop speaking during a lecture because of the noise in the room waiting for the students to become conscious of the silence and start paying attention. In intercultural communication, paralanguage can be a bit puzzling. For example, Europeans interpret the loudness of Americans to aggressive behavior, while Americans might think the British are secretive because they talk quietly. Talking speed and the amount of silence in conversations also differ among cultures. The Japanese are comfortable having several pauses in their conversations, while Americans and many Arabic people are uncomfortable with any silence. Knowing this can help the work flow in a company go well without having workers and staff being offended and tense because you cannot change people and how they act you just have to adapt to the environment and accept change. Learning and understanding the language used between the staff and administration is very important as it reflects the strength and depth of the relationship between the administration and the teams that belong to it. Which can be shaken or changed by the interpretation or misinterpretation of that language, especially when the administrations exercises its power on employees. Knowing the meanings of words and sentences without knowing the meaning and cultural contextual use of each word is incomplete knowledge and the allegation that the foreign language learner does not need to know the cultural aspects contrasts with many goals of learning a foreign language.