Thursday, October 31, 2019

To what extent can improvements in productive flow and product quality Essay - 2

To what extent can improvements in productive flow and product quality lead to an increase in sales and profit - Essay Example To meet the growing demand, it is viable to move production to a larger facility like a manufacturing plant. This can reduce the cost of production and increase the volume of sales. Increased production can reduce the cost of manufacturing per unit, and this can enable the company to lower the price of products thereby increasing sales. In order to earn more profits, it is necessary to boost sales and this can be done by producing better quality goods at reduced costs. This paper discusses how productive flow and product quality lead to an increase in sales and profit. Production and quality In any business, the traditional concept of enhancing sales and increasing profit is to increase the volume of production with innovative technologies so as to produce quality goods that will satisfy the demands of the consumers. Sales can increase when products become easily accessible and affordable for consumers. Therefore, the main focus of the management should be on increasing production an d also distribution efficiency. This concept of production is applicable in two different situations. In the first situation the demand of a product is so high that it exceeds the supply i.e. production of the product is below the quantity in demand. In this case, management should apply plans and strategies to increase production while keeping the cost of production per unit low. ... However, this same concept which is know as production concept may not work for other companies if the consumers do not find the product attractive in terms of quality, performance and innovative characteristics. In such case, it is required to follow the product concept. Under this concept the business organization should focus on improving production techniques to continuously increase the quality of products. However, there is a disadvantage, for instance, producing better mousetraps may not satisfy the consumers’ need for eliminating mice. The demand may be for other types of solutions like a chemical spray or an exterminating service. Moreover, even a good quality product cannot boost sales unless the packaging is done attractively, pricing is affordable and distribution processes are efficient. Also a good deal of promotion and advertising is required in order to convince the buyers that it is a better quality product. This calls for selling concept which implies that co nsumers will not respond to enhanced quality unless rigorous selling and promotion efforts are made by the business organization. Then there is the marketing concept which indicates that the objectives of business enterprises of increased sale volumes and enhanced profit structure can be achieved by understanding the demand curve of the target markets, and by providing quality goods for consumer satisfaction more efficiently than the competitors. The selling concept holds an inside-out perspective, which means it focuses on heavy selling of the existing products by rigorous promotions and advertisements. Contrary to this the marketing concept holds an outside-in perspective, which means it puts emphasis on consumer demand, coordinates all marketing

Tuesday, October 29, 2019

The Pythagorean Triple Essay Example for Free

The Pythagorean Triple Essay Pythagoras a Greek philosopher and mathematician is very famous for its Pythagorean Theorem. This theorem states that if a, b and c are sides of a right triangle then a2 + b2 = c2 (Morris, 1997). The study of the Pythagorean triples started long before Pythagoras knew how to solve it. There were evidences that Babylonians have lists of the triples written in a tablet. This would only mean that Babylonians may have known a method on how to produce such triples (Silverman, 16 – 26). Pythagorean triple is a set of number consisting of three natural numbers that can suit the Pythagorean equation a2 + b2 = c2. Some of the known triples are 3, 4, 5 and 5, 12, 13 (Bogomolny, 1996). How can we derive such triples? If we multiple the Pythagorean formula by 2 then we generate another formula 2a2 + 2b2 = 2c2. This only means that if we multiply 2 to the Pythagorean triple 3, 4, 5 and 5, 12, 13 then we can get another set of Pythagorean triple. The answer to that is triple 6, 8, 10 and 10, 24, 26. To check whether the said triple are Pythagorean triple, we can substitute it to the original formula a2 + b2 = c2. Check: is 6, 8, 10 Pythagorean triple? 62 + 82 = 102 36 + 64 = 100 100 = 100 Thus 6, 8 and 10 satisfy the Pythagorean equation. Δ 6, 8, 10 is a Pythagorean triple. Check: is 10, 24, 26 satisfy the Pythagorean equation? 102 + 242 = 262 100 + 576 = 676 676 = 676 Thus 10, 24, 26 satisfy the Pythagorean equation. Δ 10, 24, 26 is a Pythagorean triple. If we multiply the Pythagorean equation by 3 and using the first 2 Pythagorean triple mentioned above, we can yield another set of Pythagorean triple. Thus we can formulate a general formula that can produce different sets of Pythagorean triple. We can generate an infinite number of Pythagorean triple by using the Pythagorean triple 3, 4, 5. If we multiple d, where k is an integer, to that triple we will yield different sets of Pythagorean triple all the time. d*(3, 4, 5) where d is an integer. Check: if k is equal to 4 we get a triple 12, 16, and 20. Is this a Pythagorean triple? By substitution, 122 + 162 = 202 144 + 256 = 400 400 = 400 Thus 12, 16, 20 satisfy the Pythagorean equation. Δ 12, 16, 20 is a Pythagorean triple. Check: if k is equal to 5 we get a triple 15, 20, 25. Is this a Pythagorean triple? By substitution, 152 + 202 = 252 225 + 400 = 625 625 = 625 Thus 15, 20, 25 satisfy the Pythagorean equation. Δ 15, 20, 25 is a Pythagorean triple. But the formula given above is just a formula for getting the multiples of the Pythagorean triple. But is there a general formula in getting these triples? There are formulas that can solve each and every Pythagorean triple that one can ever imagine. One formula that can give us the triples is a = st, b = (s2 + t2)/2 and c = (s2 – t2)/2 (. A simple derivation of these formula will come from the main formula a2 + b2 = c2 (Silverman, 16 – 26). This is a shorten way to derive the formula from theorem 2.1(Pythagorean triples). a2 + b2 = c2  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   with a is odd, b is even and a, b and c have no common factors. a2 = c2 – b2   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   by additive property a2 = (c – b)(c + b)  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   by factoring (difference of two squares) by checking 32 = (5 – 4)(5 + 4) = 1*9 52 = (13 – 12)(13 + 12) = 1*25 72 = (25 – 24)(25 + 24) = 1*49

Sunday, October 27, 2019

English as a Universal Language

English as a Universal Language Language is an important tool of understanding and communicating between any members of a community in all fields of life. For the process of communications and understanding to go smoothly, one must know and be aware of signs, symbols and meanings associated with each language, as well as the cultural side behind each symbol and sign. Learning a foreign language especially English can help felicitate an individual and community ways of understanding what is going on and help to integrate and benefit from achievements as well as increase innovation. Although English is regarded as the number one spoken language in the world. one out of every five people on the entire Earth can speak English to some extent [] which means fifth of the world which is not enough as those speakers come from different parts of the world and they come with different background, culture, value and beliefs. The English spoken in the UK is not the same English spoken in USA or Australia. The importance of finding a universal language due to increased movement of people and the availability of different types of communication such as the internet and other means in economic, scientific fields and the expansion of economic transactions between countries and international companies to facilitate communication in meetings between representatives of the companies. The openness of the labor market which is a result of globalization made it easier for people to travel around and look for jobs in all parts of the world which led to the pursuit of employers and major companies to take advantage of this and search for employment that reduces cost and maximizes profits, but, there is a challenge that comes along with it, the world is diverse, people come from different characters, cultures, traditions and languages. Language is not just words that are put together and structured into a sentence; it is awareness of cultures, customs and values. Therefore, the language exchanged in many companies especially international ones has a huge importance, because it means the easy exchange of information and data relating to the job among the staff as well as instructions issued by the managers, it brings employees closer together if they can understand each other and understand any technical terms that relate to the job. Religion, language and cultures are all factors that need to be taken into considerations when doing business. Each person is shaped by their own culture, where they realize it or now. Our very own opinions, beliefs and actions are dependent on the background we come from. We only realize our differences when we are faced with another culture and a different way of doing things. It is important to understand a culture to be able to communicate so that everything goes smoothly without facing problems. A worker speaking little English might have a hard time communicating and speaking up and feeling frustrated whenever having to speak the language, I personally felt this way when I was in France and just started to learn French. It is the fear of being judged and lack of confidence in knowledge which can lead them to be closed in their personal space or even worse thing would be not understanding what they have to do exactly and doing the job wrong because they were afraid to ask for help. There are different types of language that are not just expressed by words and language the is used differently between females and males and they all affect how people deal with each other in a multicultural business/work environment. Despite the many differences in defining the concept of language, I think it is ok to agree that it is the tongue of a culture; it is the channel where information travels in a nation and from a nation to another. Language is a pulse that interacts with feelings and sensations and affects them. Language is a profound mental logic that gives suggestions and gestures. Body Language Body language is communicating with people without any words spoken that are used in all aspects of dealing with others. Movements by individuals, using their hands, facial expressions, tone of voice and headshaking so that the addressee understands the message better and often used by someone unable to express what they want to say in words and wanting to clarify by making hand movements. Body language is an essential mean of communication with others that is used on daily basis. Non verbal communication is extremely important in every culture, as communication is not always with the use of words. Therefore, understanding body language and using it in a an effective manner , can improve relationships with others and may also help overcome and deal with different situations which one can be exposed to when doing business. Problems can occur from the misunderstanding of hand gestures or any other type of physical signals, because they can mean one thing in on culture and have a completely different meaning in another. You can change your body language in the workplace and the way you are looked at work, what your non-verbal communication and body language sends different messages to people you work with in an intercultural environment depending on where they come from. Despite the fact that smiling is a form of welcome in many cultures, it can be viewed as a form of embarrassment in some Asian cultures. Working with different nationalities and understanding body language is a value to the employees. In certain places the right body language can help others see your openness, flexibility and honesty. Especially in American cultures as they are all about business and getting things right therefore, sitting upright in a chair during a meeting says that you are open and alert. But it can change completely once you put your hands behind you head or cross arms in front of chest, suddenly you are expressing boredom and superiority and puts you in a defensive position. Clenching fists that is related to a nxiety or tension, scratching nose, forming a bridge with hands, reflects on lack of interest can probably make the people around you feel uncomfortable. Maintaining eye contact translate into honesty, but it is ok to look away at times as it can be seen as starring or being intense or in some Asian culture it can be looked as threatening. Respecting personal space of others is a good way to express body language in a workplace. Personal space varies to individuals from different races. (ad example for the British here) Determining the appropriate body language in a workplace in relation to touching might be a bit sensitive. A firm handshake is welcoming but touching someone on the arm, tapping on the back maybe not be. Some find it normal and some others maybe feel uncomfortable with it. In India the constant shaking of the head from side to side can be misunderstood as a non verbal way of saying no but is the contrary as it is a way to show that they understand what you are saying or a sign of agreement. Where in America shaking your head is a sign of disagreeing and saying no while people from some countries raise their chins. British people are said to be more reserved and formal. Americans are considered more open and outgoing, while Australians are seen as casual and relaxed. Gender language Different interests and tendencies between the two genders might be a reason why they speak differently. Even though woman and men live in the same environment or have the same education and lever of profession growing up there were things that were acceptable for boys to do or say and were considered to be inappropriate for girls which is maybe a reason why they communicate differently. A man has his own way of expression, he uses words that correspond with the meaning of what he wants to say exactly and briefly using specific terms that he really means while maintaining sequence. A woman may speak with simpler words and phrases. Even though they speak the same language, they do not talk in similar context. Men glorify power, efficiency and achievement. They do things to prove themselves, develop skills and strengths they have, define themselves by their ability to achieve results. Giving advice to a man without him asking for it might make him feel like he does not know what he is doing. Woman are quite the contrary, they appreciate communication, beauty and relationships. Their ideas of themselves are determined b their feelings and quality of the relationships, they feel fulfilled by participation, communicating and staying in touch. Which can maybe lead to woman getting more jobs in the service sector as they involve being chatty, social and having to face and d eal with customers. The different way of seeing things in a professional environment can lead to major miscommunication between the two genders. men and women approach communication with different interpretive frames. Where one may expect direct explicit statement, the other maybe expecting indirect expression. Not meaning men are direct and women are indirect when one expects directness and the other uses indirectness wrong interpretations and miscommunications will be the result. In a work environment if a boss who is male asks a worker who is female to finish a report he might be very direct and straight to the point while if it was a female boss she might choose her words more carefully and try not to be very pressuring if the job she asked for is not urgent. Paralanguage Sigmund Freud said He that has eyes to see and ears to hear may convince himself that no mortal can keep a secret. If his lips are silent, he chatters with his fingertips; betrayal oozes out of him at every pore. The definition of paralanguage is non verbal means of communication such as one of voice, laughter and sometimes gestures and facial expressions that accompany speech and convey meaning. Silence can also be considered as a type of paralanguage, even when we say nothing we mean something. For example, when a teacher decides to stop speaking during a lecture because of the noise in the room waiting for the students to become conscious of the silence and start paying attention. In intercultural communication, paralanguage can be a bit puzzling. For example, Europeans interpret the loudness of Americans to aggressive behavior, while Americans might think the British are secretive because they talk quietly. Talking speed and the amount of silence in conversations also differ among cultures. The Japanese are comfortable having several pauses in their conversations, while Americans and many Arabic people are uncomfortable with any silence. Knowing this can help the work flow in a company go well without having workers and staff being offended and tense because you cannot change people and how they act you just have to adapt to the environment and accept change. Learning and understanding the language used between the staff and administration is very important as it reflects the strength and depth of the relationship between the administration and the teams that belong to it. Which can be shaken or changed by the interpretation or misinterpretation of that language, especially when the administrations exercises its power on employees. Knowing the meanings of words and sentences without knowing the meaning and cultural contextual use of each word is incomplete knowledge and the allegation that the foreign language learner does not need to know the cultural aspects contrasts with many goals of learning a foreign language.

Friday, October 25, 2019

How to Become an Effective Hitter Essay -- Expository Process Essays

How to Become an Effective Hitter Babe Ruth is known for his 714 home runs. However, few people realize the other statistic he holds, which is having the most strikeouts of any player in the major league. This statistic helps to prove there is only a slight difference between a good hit and a strike. To become a good hitter in baseball, three fundamentals are necessary. First, the batter's stance in the batter's box, second, the batter's eye contact on the ball, and third, the batter's swing are the three fundamentals a good hitter will possess. First, a good stance in the batter's box is required to hit the ball successfully. The stance is not only important to the hitter, but it informs the defense of the location of the hit. Therefore, the batter wants to conceal as much information as possible from the opposition. A batter can conceal the ball's direction by having a proper stance. The proper stance is one where the batter's feet are comfortably apart about 12 to 24 inches. The front foot should not give any indication of pulling the ball down either base li...

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Hedda Gabler Essay Essay

In Ibsen’s drama Hedda Gabler, Hedda was a wealthy woman with a great background, until she marries Mr. Tesman. When she is chained down to this man she starts to become unstable and reveals how truly devilish she can be. From manipulating her loved ones to down-right killing them. These incidents occur because of jealousy and boredom. Hedda’s first act of despicableness is first presented when she talks to her husband’s aunt. She mentions that the maid will be unsuitable because â€Å"She’s left her old hat behind her on the chair.†, when really, it was Miss Tesman’s hat. We later find out when she is speaking to Brack that she had known all along it was her hat and just wanted to insult her. This shows how bored Hedda is where she feels the need to come up with something like that. She is also unhappy with her marriage so she doesn’t want to get close to any of her husbands family. In act 4 of the play Hedda gives Lovborg a pistol so he can â€Å"die beautifully†. She does this because she is still somewhat attached to Lovborg and is jealous of him and Thea’s relationship that was forming. She even starts to go somewhat mad after Lovborg and Thea leave. The manuscript begins to get ripped apart by Hedda, as she throws it into the fire saying, â€Å"I’m burning your child Thea!† This shows that she has basically reached a breaking point and has officially gone off the end. Hedda is a very hard character to play. This is because she is very contradicting, as Ibsen states, â€Å"sympathetically unsympathetic†. You feel sympathy for Hedda because she seems to be broken. She has been socially trapped into marriage and baring a child. Although this does not justify her actions which still keeps you scornful towards her. All in all Hedda is a very indifferent woman with a independence that she will not be taken away from her. She manipulates and deceives people in order to get her way. Yet she was slowly killing herself by doing so. This may be why her character is so hard to play, she is in a way, a very non-relatable character.

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Margaret Murray Washington, First Lady of Tuskegee

Margaret Murray Washington, First Lady of Tuskegee Margaret Murray Washington was an educator, administrator, reformer, and clubwoman who married Booker T. Washington and worked closely with him at Tuskegee and on educational projects. She was very well known in her own time, she was somewhat forgotten in later treatments of black history, perhaps because of her association with a more conservative approach to winning racial equality. Early Years Margaret Murray Washington was born in Macon, Mississippi on March 8 as Margaret James Murray.  According to the 1870 census, she was born in 1861; her tombstone gives 1865 as her birth year.  Her mother, Lucy Murray, was a former slave and a washerwoman, mother of four to nine children (sources, even those approved by Margaret Murray Washington in her lifetime, have different numbers).  Margaret stated later in life that her father, an Irishman whose name is not known, died when she was seven years old.  Margaret and her older sister and next younger brother are listed in that 1870 census as â€Å"mulatto† and the youngest child, a boy then four, as black.  Ã‚   Also according to later stories by Margaret, after her father’s death, she moved in with a brother and sister named Sanders, Quakers, who served as adoptive or foster parents to her. She still was close to her mother and siblings; she is listed in the 1880 census as living at home with her mother, along with her older sister and, now, two younger sisters.  Later, she said that she had nine siblings and that only the youngest, born about 1871, had children. Education The Sanders guided Margaret towards a career in teaching.  She, like many women of the time, began teaching in local schools without any formal training; after one year, in 1880, she decided to pursue such formal training anyway at Fisk Preparatory School in Nashville, Tennessee.  By that time she was 19 years old, if the census record is correct; she may have understated her age believing that the school preferred younger students.  She worked half time and took the training half time, graduating with honors in 1889.  W.E.B. Du Bois was a classmate and became a lifelong friend. Tuskegee Her performance at Fisk was enough to win her a job offer at a Texas college, but she took a teaching position at Tuskegee Institute in Alabama instead.  By the next year, 1890, she had become the lady principal at the school, responsible for female students.  She succeeded Anna Thankful Ballantine, who had been involved in hiring her. A predecessor in that job was Olivia Davidson Washington, second wife of Booker T. Washington, Tuskegee’s famous founder, who died in May of 1889, and was still held in high respect at the school. Booker T. Washington Within the year, the widowed Booker T. Washington, who had met Margaret Murray at her Fisk senior dinner, began courting her.  She was reluctant to marry him when he asked her to do so.  She did not get along with one of his brothers with whom he was especially close, and that brother’s wife who had been caring for Booker T. Washington’s children after he was widowed.  Washington’s daughter, Portia, was outright hostile towards anyone taking her mother’s place. With marriage, she would become also the stepmother of his three still-young children.  Eventually, she decided to accept his proposal, and they were married on October 10, 1892. Mrs. Washington’s Role At Tuskegee, Margaret Murray Washington not only served as Lady Principal, with charge over the female students – most of whom would become teachers and faculty, she also founded the Women’s Industries Division and herself taught domestic arts. As Lady Principal, she was part of the school’s executive board. She also served as acting head of the school during her husband’s frequent travels, especially after his fame spread after a speech at the Atlanta Exposition in 1895.  His fundraising and other activities kept him away from the school as much as six months out of the year. Women’s Organizations She supported the Tuskegee agenda, summarized in the motto â€Å"Lifting as We Climb,† of responsibility to work to improve not only one’s self but the whole race.  This commitment she also lived out in her involvement in black women’s organizations, and in frequent speaking engagements.  Invited by Josephine St. Pierre Ruffin, she helped form the National Federation of Afro-American Women in 1895, which merged the next year under her presidency with the Colored Women’s League, to form the National Association of Colored Women (NACW). â€Å"Lifting as We Climb† became the motto of the NACW. There, editing and publishing the journal for the organization, as well as serving as secretary of the executive board, she represented the conservative wing of the organization, focused on a more evolutionary change of African Americans to prepare for equality.  She was opposed by Ida B. Wells-Barnett, who favored a more activist stance, challenging racism more directly and with visible protest.  This reflected a division between the more cautious approach of her husband, Booker T. Washington, and the more radical position of W.E.B. Du Bois.  Margaret Murray Washington was president of the NACW for four years, beginning in 1912, as the organization increasingly moved towards the more political orientation of Wells-Barnett. Other Activism One of her other activities was organizing regular Saturday mother’s meetings at Tuskegee. Women of the town would come for socializing and an address, often by Mrs. Washington. The children who came with the mothers had their own activities in another room, so their mothers could focus on their meeting.  The group grew by 1904 to about 300 women. She often accompanied her husband on speaking trips, as the children grew old enough to be left in the care of others. Her task was often to address the wives of the men who attended her husband’s talks. In 1899, she accompanied her husband on a European trip. In 1904, Margaret Murray Washington’s niece and nephew came to live with the Washingtons at Tuskegee.  The nephew, Thomas J. Murray, worked at the bank associated with Tuskegee. The niece, much younger, took the name of Washington. Widowhood Years and Death In 1915, Booker T. Washington fell ill and his wife accompanied him back to Tuskegee where he died. He was buried next to his second wife on the campus at Tuskegee.  Margaret Murray Washington remained at Tuskegee, supporting the school and also continuing outside activities.  She denounced African Americans of the South who moved North during the Great Migration.  She was president from 1919 until 1925 of the Alabama Association of Women’s Clubs. She became involved in work to address issues of racism for women and children globally, founding and heading the International Council of Women of the Darker Races in 1921.  The organization, which was to promote â€Å"a larger appreciation of their history and accomplishment† in order to have â€Å"a greater degree of race pride for their own achievements and touch a greater themselves,† did not survive very long after Murray’s death. Still active at Tuskegee up until her death on June 4, 1925, Margaret Murray Washington was long considered the â€Å"first lady of Tuskegee.†Ã‚  She was buried next to her husband, as was his second wife.

Monday, October 21, 2019

Mudarse Conjugation in Spanish, Translation, and Examples

Mudarse Conjugation in Spanish, Translation, and Examples The reflexive verb mudarse means to move in the sense of changing ones residence, such as moving to a new house or apartment. For all other meanings of the verb to move, Spanish uses the verb mover. The non-reflexive verb mudar means to change, but it is not used very frequently. Mudarse is a much more commonly used verb. Therefore, this article contains mudarse conjugations in its reflexive form in the indicative mood (present, past, conditional, and future), the subjunctive mood (present and past), the imperative mood, and other verb forms. Mudarse Present Indicative The verb mudar is a regular -ar verb, so it follows the regular conjugation pattern. To conjugate mudarse, the reflexive pronoun should be included before each conjugated form. Yo me mudo I move Yo me mudo al dormitorio con mi compaà ±era. Tà º te mudas You move Tà º te mudas a otra ciudad por tu trabajo. Usted/à ©l/ella se muda You/he/she moves Ella se muda a un apartamento ms grande. Nosotros nos mudamos We move Nosotros nos mudamos a un condominio. Vosotros os mudis You move Vosotros os mudis a la casa nueva despuà ©s de la boda. Ustedes/ellos/ellas se mudan You/they move Ellos se mudan a otro paà ­s para asistir a la universidad. Mudarse Preterite Indicative The preterite tense is used to describe completed actions in the past. Yo me mudà © I moved Yo me mudà © al dormitorio con mi compaà ±era. Tà º te mudaste You moved Tà º te mudaste a otra ciudad por tu trabajo. Usted/à ©l/ella se mudà ³ You/he/she moved Ella se mudà ³ a un apartamento ms grande. Nosotros nos mudamos We moved Nosotros nos mudamos a un condominio. Vosotros os mudasteis You moved Vosotros os mudasteis a la casa nueva despuà ©s de la boda. Ustedes/ellos/ellas se mudaron You/they moved Ellos se mudaron a otro paà ­s para asistir a la universidad. Mudarse Imperfect Indicative The imperfect tense is used to describe ongoing or repeated actions in the past. It can be translated as was moving or used to move. Yo me mudaba I used to move Yo me mudaba al dormitorio con mi compaà ±era. Tà º te mudabas You used to move Tà º te mudabas a otra ciudad por tu trabajo. Usted/à ©l/ella se mudaba You/he/she used to move Ella se mudaba a un apartamento ms grande. Nosotros nos mudbamos We used to move Nosotros nos mudbamos a un condominio. Vosotros os mudabais You used to move Vosotros os mudabaisa la casa nueva despuà ©s de la boda. Ustedes/ellos/ellas se mudaban You/they used to move Ellos se mudaban a otro paà ­s para asistir a la universidad. Mudarse Future Indicative The future tense is conjugated with the infinitive form mudar and the future tense endings (à ©, s, , emos, à ©is, n). Yo me mudarà © I will move Yo me mudarà ©al dormitorio con mi compaà ±era. Tà º te mudars You will move Tà º te mudars a otra ciudad por tu trabajo. Usted/à ©l/ella se mudar You/he/she will move Ella se mudar a un apartamento ms grande. Nosotros nos mudaremos We will move Nosotros nos mudaremosa un condominio. Vosotros os mudarà ©is You will move Vosotros os mudarà ©isa la casa nueva despuà ©s de la boda. Ustedes/ellos/ellas se mudarn You/they will move Ellos se mudarn a otro paà ­s para asistir a la universidad. Mudarse Periphrastic  Future Indicative   When conjugating the periphrastic future, remember to place the reflexive pronoun before the conjugated verb ir (to go). Yo me voy a mudar I am going to move Yo me voya mudar al dormitorio con mi compaà ±era. Tà º te vasa mudar You aregoing to move Tà º te vasa mudar a otra ciudad por tu trabajo. Usted/à ©l/ella se vaa mudar You/he/she isgoing to move Ella se vaa mudar a un apartamento ms grande. Nosotros nos vamosa mudar We aregoing to move Nosotros nos vamosa mudar a un condominio. Vosotros os vaisa mudar You aregoing to move Vosotros os vaisa mudar a la casa nueva despuà ©s de la boda. Ustedes/ellos/ellas se vana mudar You/they aregoing to move Ellos se vana mudar a otro paà ­s para asistir a la universidad. Mudarse Present Progressive/Gerund Form The gerund or present participle can be used as an adverb or to form progressive tenses like the present progressive. Progressive tenses often use the auxiliary verb estar. There are two options for placing the reflexive pronoun in the present progressive tense. It can be placed before the conjugated verb estar, or attached to the end of the present participle. Present Progressive ofMudarse se est mudando / est mudndose Is moving Ella se est mudando a un apartamento ms grande. Mudarse Past Participle The past participle is often used in perfect tenses like the present perfect. The present perfect uses the auxiliary verb haber. In this case, the reflexive pronoun must be placed before the conjugated verb haber. Present Perfect of Mudarse se ha mudado Has moved Ella se ha mudado a un apartamento ms grande. Mudarse Conditional Indicative The conditional tense can used to talk about possibilities. It is conjugated using the infinitive form and the conditional endings. Yo me mudarà ­a I would move Yo me mudarà ­aal dormitorio con mi compaà ±era si hubiera espacio. Tà º te mudarà ­as You would move Tà º te mudarà ­as a otra ciudad por tu trabajo si te dieran la promocià ³n. Usted/à ©l/ella se mudarà ­a You/he/she would move Ella se mudarà ­a a un apartamento ms grande si lo pudiera pagar. Nosotros nos mudarà ­amos We would move Nosotros nos mudarà ­amosa un condominio, pero no tenemos suficiente dinero. Vosotros os mudarà ­ais You would move Vosotros os mudarà ­aisa la casa nueva despuà ©s de la boda, pero no estar lista. Ustedes/ellos/ellas se mudarà ­an You/they would move Ellos se mudarà ­an a otro paà ­s para asistir a la universidad si les dieran la beca. Mudarse Present Subjunctive The present subjunctive of -ar verbs is formed with the endings e, es, e, emos, à ©is, en. Que yo me mude That I move La directora pide que yo memudeal dormitorio con mi compaà ±era. Que tà º te mudes That you move El jefe espera que tà º temudes a otra ciudad por tu trabajo. Que usted/à ©l/ella semude That you/he/she move La familia quiere que ella semude a un apartamento ms grande. Que nosotros nos mudemos That we move Carlos quiere que nosotros nos mudemos a un condominio. Que vosotros os mudà ©is That you move El abuelo recomienda que vosotros os mudà ©is a la casa nueva despuà ©s de la boda. Que ustedes/ellos/ellas semuden That you/they move La profesora sugiere que ellos semuden a otro paà ­s para asistir a la universidad. Mudarse Imperfect Subjunctive The imperfect subjunctive can be conjugated in two different ways. Option 1 Que yo me mudara That I moved La directora pedà ­a que yo memudaraal dormitorio con mi compaà ±era. Que tà º te mudaras That you moved El jefe esperaba que tà º temudaras a otra ciudad por tu trabajo. Que usted/à ©l/ella semudara That you/he/she moved La familia querà ­a que ella semudara a un apartamento ms grande. Que nosotros nos mudramos That we moved Carlos querà ­a que nosotros nos mudramosa un condominio. Que vosotros os mudarais That you moved El abuelo recomendaba que vosotros os mudarais a la casa nueva despuà ©s de la boda. Que ustedes/ellos/ellas semudaran That you/they moved La profesora sugerà ­a que ellos semudaran a otro paà ­s para asistir a la universidad. Option 2 Que yo me mudase That I moved La directora pedà ­a que yo memudase al dormitorio con mi compaà ±era. Que tà º te mudases That you moved El jefe esperaba que tà º temudases a otra ciudad por tu trabajo. Que usted/à ©l/ella semudase That you/he/she moved La familia querà ­a que ella semudase a un apartamento ms grande. Que nosotros nos mudsemos That we moved Carlos querà ­a que nosotros nos mudsemosa un condominio. Que vosotros os mudaseis That you moved El abuelo recomendaba que vosotros os mudaseis a la casa nueva despuà ©s de la boda. Que ustedes/ellos/ellas semudasen That you/they moved La profesora sugerà ­a que ellos semudasen a otro paà ­s para asistir a la universidad. Mudarse Imperative To give orders or commands you need the imperative mood. Notice that in positive commands, the reflexive pronoun is placed after the verb, while in negative commands, the reflexive pronoun is placed before the verb. Positive Commands Tà º mà ºdate Move!  ¡Mà ºdate a otra ciudad por tu trabajo! Usted mà ºdese Move!  ¡Mà ºdese a un apartamento ms grande! Nosotros mudà ©monos Let's move!  ¡Mudà ©monos a un condominio! Vosotros mudaos Move!  ¡Mudaos a la casa nueva despuà ©s de la boda! Ustedes mà ºdense Move!  ¡Mà ºdense a otro paà ­s para asistir a la universidad! Negative Commands Tà º no te mudes Don't move!  ¡No te mudes a otra ciudad por tu trabajo! Usted no se mude Don't move!  ¡No se mude a un apartamento ms grande! Nosotros no nos mudemos Let's not move!  ¡No nos mudemos a un condominio! Vosotros no os mudis Don't move!  ¡No os mudis a la casa nueva despuà ©s de la boda! Ustedes no se muden Don't move!  ¡No se muden a otro paà ­s para asistir a la universidad!

Sunday, October 20, 2019

buy custom Approaches to Public Administration essay

buy custom Approaches to Public Administration essay Competing Values and Three Approaches to Public Administration Background Radio Television Hong Kong (RTHK) has been comprehensively discussed since the 1980s when the industry was not exploited. RTHK was subsequently transformed from a government department to a public broadcaster with recordings of progress and development. The positioning of Hong Kong as a regional broadcasting hub has been characterized by a series of innovations, programme choice, diversity and competition. This has enhanced Hong Kongs place as not only a centre for information but also as a distinctive broadcasting powerhouse. The broadcasting sector in Hong Kong targets the audio and visual market. Commercial broadcasters are provided with licenses which enable them to air a range of educative and entertaining programmes. The RTHK has over years held talks and conferences with the government with the aim to discuss the future and development of RTHK. Development The broadcasting industry review committee was a government department until 1986 when it was leased as a private company. The Beijing government was however opposed the move terming it as anti-government. After rows over the ownership and status, RTHK was finally allowed to legally restructure and act in the given capacity. Analysis The broadcasting environment in Hong Kong, like elsewhere, has undergone phenomenal changes in recent years. Some of these changes have presented new challenges and caused an impact on the development of Public Service Broadcasting. There are three approaches to public administration. These are the managerial approach, political and the legal approach. The managerial approach The managerial approach is also known as the functional approach. This perspective focuses on the functions of management that steer an organization towards its aims and goals. The functional approach consists of six key funtions: planning, organizing, directing, controlling, budgeting and personnel management. The case of Hong Kong and the broadcasting industry was comprehensively reviewed in the year 2006 with a management team put in place to discuss financial and corporate structures. The Hong Kong milieu is unique in both political and socio-economic environment. A case in point is the transition from British colonial rule to being transformed into a Special Administrative Region of the People's Republic of China. The majority Chinese population and the executive-led government have driven Hong Kong to the necessity of creating a Public service broadcasting that meets all the needs of the citizens of Hong Kong. The National Programming Radio (NPR) sources its funds from government grants, member stations, contributions and sponsorship and income from investment projects. The National Programming Radio (NPR) was established in 1992 with the major aim to establish fund initiatives that would shield the sector from difficult economic times. In addition, a code of ethics was established to safeguard journalism independence and the roles of programming staff and journalists in general. The political approach The Broadcasting Council consists of elected members from various sectors and political spheres to aid in independent programme monitoring. The legislature; a key component in law-making ensures adherence to the stipulated rules and regulations. For maximum accountability, political parties and trade unions are also involved. The role of the political approach is to advise the public service broadcaster on issues concerning programming and monitors its adherence to programming principles. In Hong Kong, it is the role of the Administrative Council to oversee the finance of the public service broadcaster. The Administrative Council is tasked with the preparation of the budget and also monitors the management and operatioon of the concerned broadcasters. The council serves as the management committee of the public service broadcaster. Most of the members of the council are appointed by the Broadcasting Council of Hong Kong. The committee comprises of elected members from the serving parliament or federal legislature, trade unions and political parties to ensure transparency and accountability. Furthermore, it is the role of the council to advise the public service broadcaster on programming-related issues and also monitors the adherence to programming principles. Legal approach The legal approach also known as the juridical approach studies the concept of public administration from an official and legal perspective with more interest in the structures provided for by the constitution. In this approach, public administration is interpreted in the scope of legal terms. The implementation of the laws of the state is a vital component in the ruling of subjects, usually the citizens. The laws of Hong Kong do not objectively define the term public service broadcasting although there is a statement on the provision of television programmes by the Government. As revealed by the panel established to probe the broadcasting issue established that the Public Service Board is an imperative mechanism that when properly implemented would ensure that the civil society is duly strengthened. Conclusion The development of a public service model in Hong Kong is not a state of apathy but rather there is light at the end of the tunnel. With the establishment of the broadcasting panel, continuous follow-up of the development of public service broadcasting will be in process. The Government should ensure that public involvement is accorded with the priority the process duly deserves. Public administration as noted should involve all stakeholders in the processes of policy formulation and implementation. Buy custom Approaches to Public Administration essay

Saturday, October 19, 2019

Cannery Row by John Steinbeck Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Cannery Row by John Steinbeck - Essay Example The story is about five characters living together along the street, during one of the hardest times in history; they are forced to battle out their financial and economical woes due to the depression and try to, through different plots, live together and survive in their own ways. In this way, the story has been broadly described as a tide pool because the characters are like a number of different kinds of fish living together in an aquarium. John Steinbeck writes, â€Å"Cannery Row in Monterey in California is a poem, a stink, a grating noise, a quality of light, a tone, a habit, a nostalgia, a dream. Cannery Row is the gathered and scattered, tin and iron and rust and splintered wood, chipped pavement and weedy lots and junk heaps, sardine canneries of corrugated iron, honky tonks, restaurants and whore houses, and little crowded groceries, and laboratories and flophouses.† (Steinbeck, John) The story is beautiful, and both tragic and mysterious and the way it has been portrayed. It is easy for a reader to look at the messed up lives of the people in the story and feel a sense of humour at the same time while trying to connect with them as fish belonging to a certain wing of a tide pool or an aquarium. The main attempt of this story, according to the author, has been to capture the essence of the Cannery district in Monterey Row in the city of California. The main plot revolves around how Mack and his boys try and get hold of a rundown fishmeal shack and try and convert it into a habitual place to live in. They have feelings for their friends and family and thus want to throw a party for Doc, their friend and make him feel better. The reference of a tide pool has been provided as the story takes a slight turn in the first few chapters and the party leads to a mess in the Doc’s house. This causes a certain amount of trouble and thus leads to ill will and bad luck falling on all the people

Friday, October 18, 2019

Insurance And Joint Law Commission Proposals Essay

Insurance And Joint Law Commission Proposals - Essay Example In order to uphold such contracts, insurance is guided by Insurance Contract Law that defines the relationship between an insured and insurer. Insurance contract law in the United Kingdom has for a long time been considered outdated (Netherway, 2012). For instance, the Marine Insurance Act (MIA) was created and passed in 1906 and has not been reviewed. Nevertheless, there are major developments in motor and aviation insurances, business globalization, development of the property, and the recent natural disasters have demanded serious and extensive reforms, especially within the insurance contract law. In order to appraise the Joint Law Commission proposals for the reform of the law relating to business insurance, considering further the case for differential treatment of Micro-businesses, the following discussion demonstrates solid understanding of the theory and practice of insurance. In addition, the discussion demonstrates sound understanding of key issues pertaining to the law of the insurance. Lastly, the paper provides a critical appraisal of Joint Law Commission proposals before winding up with a summary of the main points. Insurance is a contract where risk financing is attainable through pooling of risks. Insurance is a form of risk management practices within firms, entities, and amongst various individuals (, 2012). Insurance services, though auxiliary, are aimed at reducing the adverse financial impact that firms, entities, and individuals meet in the event of an occurrence of risks (Smith, 2012). Therefore, insurance within the global arena is a vital element especially with respect to financial planning. UK insurance law that defines and regulates contracts between insured and insurers made several proposals (Hamilton, 1995).

Slave Trade Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Slave Trade - Essay Example The slave-exporting states such as Virginia engaged in adversarial relationships with slave-importing states in their roles of seller and buyer. Moreover, as the slaves went farther south, the lower South states deduced that the upper South was beginning to change its perspective on slavery. This difference provoked a deep debate over the reopening of the African slave trade. (Deyle, 2004) The areas of the Deep South saw that new imports would allow Virginia to remain a loyal slave state. However, Virginia did not want newly-arrived slaves to diminish the value of its existing human property. Perceiving that slavery was under attack and fearing the loss of Virginia to the free states, the lower South decided to seced. The Deep South forced Virginia into secession. At that time, Virginia had no desire to deprive itself of the revenues from the domestic slave trade. Southern cotton supported the textile mills of England and the American North. Market forces dominated the growth and traffic of slave trade. Slave traders were demanding entrepreneurs who were fully absorbed in a highly competitive business" (Deyle, 2005). Slave traders acted as conduits of market values into the South, who then paved the way to consumerism and speculation and enhanced modern business practices to the other regions. Slaveholders denied that they sold slaves willingly and insulated themselve s from complicity in the human traffic. (Deyle, 2004). The slave trade has myriad dimensions. Southern farmers, planters, and speculators carried their human chattel with them whenever they move from Alabama to Virginia. Moreover, many slaveholders wanted to increase their enslaved workforces. The experience of being sold to slave traders and to a landowner was the most soul-rending experience most African Americans endured, aside from bodily punishments. An ex-slave Ben had recounted to interviewer Mary White Ovington in 1910 that every fall, the slaves would be sold in the same way that cattle was sold.Slaveholders would transfer them from one place to another as if they were mules or horses. Families would be split without consideration for husbands, wives and children. Those who had been sold to new masters never knew what to expect and they never had an inkling of what type of new master they would encounter in their new plantation. (Jewett and Allen, 2004). When Samuel Townsend, a slave owner from Virginia, needed more slaves, he bought them from traders in Richmond. This movement of slaves from the Upper South to the Gulf states presented possibilities for profitable speculations. Thousands of slaves born in Virginia showed up in Alabama during from 1820s to 1840s. Groups of slaves moved from Virginia and the Carolinas each fall. Montgomery was Alabama's largest slave sale site. Blacks being transported but encumbered by foot irons and chains were a pitiful sight on the roads. After railroads had been built in Montgomery with the Upper South slave markets, particularly during the 1850s, more traders and speculators used the railroads to move their human cargo (Jewett and Allen, 2004). Uncle Tom's Cabin converted the North to the cause of the slave. The book brought home to the heart of the North, and of the world, that the slave was a man. The book was instrumental in conveying the fact that the slave is linked to mankind by human love and aspiration and anguish but devoid of the rights of man. (Merriam, 1970). Uncle Tom's

Robotics Ethics and Issues Associated With the Wide Application of Research Paper - 122

Robotics Ethics and Issues Associated With the Wide Application of Robot Technologies - Research Paper Example Furthermore, children care is the main obligation of the parents; they should be involved in the upbringing of children. We can suggest cases when parents cannot give care to their children, but now people can leave their children with their relatives or close people. And people’s care is more effective than any other version of care.   And old people also should get people’s care even in the world when all young people are busy. Robots can serve as toys to entertain them or to just give them the ability to spend time with fun, however, old people should use some attention, conversations, and other types of interpersonal activity with close people (Sharkey, 2012). However there is one good application of robots, one can maintain the camera on the robot and it can lead young children as they remain at home to have control over the children. However, in such case, we deal with much older children. Likewise, robots for seniors can be used to get information about the old people, their health indicators and to remind them to take some medicines and other things, which are substantial for their good well-being. But robots will never substitute human’s interaction, as they cannot provide substantial communication, they cannot support conversation and console when old people have some aches, or just to tell something good when older people need that. And furthermore, robots cannot give people understanding that they are needed and that they get attention from their close people. All these things are very important for older people and it definitely prolongs their life.  Ã‚  

Thursday, October 17, 2019

Letter of Recomendation Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Letter of Recomendation - Essay Example first impression of (Name of employee) was nothing extraordinary until he finally opened his mouth to ask me what he could be expecting to learn from this military job. In this first encounter alone, I knew that (Name of employee) was that employee who would flourish in the real world not merely because of what he is capable of learning but most importantly his willingness to learn from others. As I got to know (Name of employee) better, I would say that I am able to discover his values not only as an employee but at the same time as a person that I believe are ingredients to a good future law maker. In the simplest manner of how (Name of employee) is able to maintain his dedication to whatever task is required of him has impressed me especially because most people of his age would easily lose motivation and attention. Aside from that, I admire his maturity in dealing with conflict which is inevitable especially in working in groups. Despite different opinions from among his workmates, he is able to come up with a unifying resolution. (Name of employee) also possesses a lot of other admirable qualities that would be very significant in his road to becoming a successful student of the law. He is very diligent in his work and does not crack under pressure which is very important, considering the amount of reading required in law school. He is also very time conscious and knows how to balance his time for his family, friends, work, and fun. This for me is a good mix for a happy and motivated law student, instead of a burnt out law student which is common today. Being able to communicate one’s thoughts in the midst of pressure is indeed a quality that (Name of employee) possesses. I believe that this will enable him to voice out his arguments better in law school. Also, this is very instrumental in shaping him as a person, how he chooses to prioritize things and also his decision making that is not mainly based on emotions, instead with utmost consideration for

Comtemporary Humanity Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Comtemporary Humanity - Essay Example What is the connection he is making here? What commodity is he talking about? The connection that the author is making here is that the theatrical existence and experiences are the basis of market economies in the current society. These acting in the theater not only provide political and social direction for human beings, but also determine the economy of the society, as well as interaction of humans with goods and services. The commodity that the author is talking about is art. How does the sense that life entails performing as an actor in a market of commodities result in what Agnew calls â€Å"the crisis of representation? The crisis of representation comes about due to acting that attempts to bring out the cultural, political, and social dimensions of modernity. For instance, during the times of recession, creativity, performance, and acting are of great importance in representing marketization. Being a human being in the 20th/21st century means that the identity is shaped by the theatrical representations as brought out by acting. This is because acting provides the basis for social, cultural, and political directions in the society. This is important in understanding the connection between theater with its imagery of human beings, and its influence on the market

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

Robotics Ethics and Issues Associated With the Wide Application of Research Paper - 122

Robotics Ethics and Issues Associated With the Wide Application of Robot Technologies - Research Paper Example Furthermore, children care is the main obligation of the parents; they should be involved in the upbringing of children. We can suggest cases when parents cannot give care to their children, but now people can leave their children with their relatives or close people. And people’s care is more effective than any other version of care.   And old people also should get people’s care even in the world when all young people are busy. Robots can serve as toys to entertain them or to just give them the ability to spend time with fun, however, old people should use some attention, conversations, and other types of interpersonal activity with close people (Sharkey, 2012). However there is one good application of robots, one can maintain the camera on the robot and it can lead young children as they remain at home to have control over the children. However, in such case, we deal with much older children. Likewise, robots for seniors can be used to get information about the old people, their health indicators and to remind them to take some medicines and other things, which are substantial for their good well-being. But robots will never substitute human’s interaction, as they cannot provide substantial communication, they cannot support conversation and console when old people have some aches, or just to tell something good when older people need that. And furthermore, robots cannot give people understanding that they are needed and that they get attention from their close people. All these things are very important for older people and it definitely prolongs their life.  Ã‚  

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

Comtemporary Humanity Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Comtemporary Humanity - Essay Example What is the connection he is making here? What commodity is he talking about? The connection that the author is making here is that the theatrical existence and experiences are the basis of market economies in the current society. These acting in the theater not only provide political and social direction for human beings, but also determine the economy of the society, as well as interaction of humans with goods and services. The commodity that the author is talking about is art. How does the sense that life entails performing as an actor in a market of commodities result in what Agnew calls â€Å"the crisis of representation? The crisis of representation comes about due to acting that attempts to bring out the cultural, political, and social dimensions of modernity. For instance, during the times of recession, creativity, performance, and acting are of great importance in representing marketization. Being a human being in the 20th/21st century means that the identity is shaped by the theatrical representations as brought out by acting. This is because acting provides the basis for social, cultural, and political directions in the society. This is important in understanding the connection between theater with its imagery of human beings, and its influence on the market

Legally Blonde Essay Example for Free

Legally Blonde Essay Stereotypes are assumptions made about a group of people based on commonalities shared among that group. These assumptions normally have to do with religion, ethnicity, cultural values, and even outward appearances. One of the common reasons stereotypes exist is that it is easy to identify individuals without interacting with them. A person can identify a face and immediately categorize him or her based on information derived from upbringing, past experiences, and the media. Some labels have the capability of harming individuals who are judged based on appearances or nationality. These stereotypes can lead to the mistreatment and prejudices against a particular group of people. For example, after the terrorist attacks of 9/11, a religious group called the Sihks have been attacked on numerous occasions because they were mislabeled as terrorists (NPR). Stereotyping can start at a young age when children are taught to make assumptions. For example, a mother will caution her child not to talk to any strangers. This can lay a foundation for future stereotypes. The child may grow up to be a person who stereotypes and who is prejudice. The child may not know that the assumptions being made rarely apply to each member of a group. Even though there are examples of dumb blondes, many intelligent blondes do exist. Diane Sawyer is a prominent figure in the world of news. In 1984, she broke new ground as the first woman to work as a correspondent on the award-winning news magazine 60 Minutes (Bio. True Story). She also has blonde hair. This proves that stereotypes do not apply to everyone of a certain group. Some common examples of stereotypes are people who wear glasses are nerds or all Asians are very intelligent. One of the most commonly known stereotype is the dumb blonde persona. It has been presented in film, music and even in literature. Not only is the blonde stereotype being represented in the media, but also in marketing. There is a shampoo made by Bed Head called Dumb Blonde. The blonde’s label states that the lack of intelligence is based on hair color. This leads the blonde to be depicted to rely on looks rather than intelligence to be successful in life. Many jokes are made based on the stereotype as well. An example is â€Å"What do you call a fly buzzing inside a blondes head? A Space Invader. † (Cracked. com). In the sitcom Three’s Company, a blonde character named Chrissy is ditzy and gets a lot of attention from many groups of men. She is easy to confuse and is quick to fall for men. The media takes the blonde label and dramatizes it with the persona of Chrissy. One of the most famous blondes that seems to fit the stereotype is Paris Hilton. She has been quoted as saying many outrageous statements such as, â€Å"I don’t really think, I just walk. † (Brainy Quote). She is successful at exploiting the dumb blonde persona. Another statement said by Hilton is, â€Å"I get half a million just to show up at parties. My life is, like, really, really fun. † (Brainy Quote). Hilton uses her dumb blonde character in order to get farther in life. With an in depth look into Paris Hilton it may be found that she possesses more intelligence than what she portrays. It is known that she is an American heiress, socialite, television personality, fashion designer, model, actress, producer, author, and singer. Paris Hilton is a good example of the dumb blonde. She gives people the idea that all blondes are like her, when in reality, they are not. From the sitcom Three’s Company in 1977, to the rich and famous Hollywood star Paris Hilton, the dumb blonde can be found almost anywhere. However, the media is taking small steps to counter represent the blonde. In the 2001 movie Legally Blonde, the main character Elle Woods evolves from the stereotypical blonde to a Harvard Law graduate. In the beginning, she was the president of her sorority, had a pet Chihuahua and majored in fashion merchandising. She states, Two weeks ago I saw Cameron Diaz at Fred Segal, and I talked her out of buying this truly heinous angora sweater. Whoever said orange was the new pink was seriously disturbed! (Legally Blonde). She then applied to Harvard Law School with an application video that showed her in a bikini with her and her friends. Surprisingly, she was immediately accepted and later graduated with high honors. In Legally Blonde, Elle displays her intelligence by solving a murder in an unconventional way. This movie does show the classic stereotypes of blondes in the beginning but then turns it around to make the blonde an intelligent honors student who goes on to be a successful attorney. Stereotypes can be stopped by preventing assumptions or getting to know someone instead of pre-judging them. It should be understood that stereotypes rarely apply to everyone of that group. The media can reduce stereotypes by ignoring them instead of marketing them. By making characters who portray their stereotype, audiences come to believe that the label applies to everyone in a particular group. If the stereotype is not represented at all, it can help the general public forget that stereotypes ever existed. Everyone has the capability of putting stereotypes to rest, it is just a matter of having an open mind. An example can be set to others and soon stereotypes will come to an end. Works Cited â€Å"Diane Sawyer. † Bio. True Story. Web. 3 August 2013. Inskeep, Steve. â€Å"Sikhs Face More Attacks Since Sept. 11 Tragedies. † NPR. Web. 3 August 2013 Legally Blonde. Dir. Robert Luketic. 2001. Film. Paris Hilton Quotes. Brainy Quote. Web. 4 August 2013.

Monday, October 14, 2019

High Fracture Toughness of Al2O3-TiN0.3 Composites

High Fracture Toughness of Al2O3-TiN0.3 Composites High fracture toughness of Al2O3-TiN0.3 composites prepared via spark plasma sintering Lina Qiaoa, b, Yucheng Zhaoa, Mingzhi Wanga, à ¯Ã‚ Ã¢â‚¬ ºÃƒ ¯Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ªÃƒ ¯Ã‚ Ã‚ , Yana Yea, Junxing Zhanga, Qin Zoua, Qian Yanga, Hua Dengc, Ying Xingc Abstract Al2O3–TiN0.3 composites with different TiN0.3 contents were spark plasma sintered at 1300–1600  °C for 10 min. Phase identification was characterized through X-ray diffraction. Microstructures were observed using a scanning electron microscope. The fracture toughness of the composite with 30 vol% TiN0.3 sintered at 1500  °C reaches to the highest value of 6.91 MPa m1/2. Based on the first-principles density functional theory, the density of states for TiN and TiNx was calculated. The covalent bonding is weakened and the metallic bonding is strengthened as the nitrogen concentration is reduced in nonstoichiometric TiNx. The active slip systems determined by covalent bonding for the nitrides are possibly increased by adding nonstoichiometric TiN0.3, which improves the fracture toughness of Al2O3-based composites. Keywords: Al2O3–TiN0.3 composites;Fracture toughness; Slip system; Bond calculation 1. Introduction Alumina (Al2O3) ceramics are essential structural materials, but the inherent brittleness has inhibited their applications [1, 2]. The fracture toughness can be improved substantially by adding a secondary reinforcing phase into the matrix. The effects of TiN particles on the mechanical properties of Al2O3-based composites have been widely studied [3–9]. Shen et al. [9] reported that the fracture toughness of Al2O3–TiN composites prepared via spark plasma sintering (SPS) at 1500  °C reaches to a maximum value of 5.7 MPa m1/2. Li et al. [1] studied the mechanical properties of TiN–Al2O3 nanocomposites prepared by hot pressing at 1550  °C, and pointed out that the highest fracture toughness is 5.27 MPa m1/2. However, there have been few reports about the effects of nonstoichiometric TiN0.3 on the fracture toughness of Al2O3-based composites. In this study, nonstoichiometricTiN0.3 was added into Al2O3 matrix, and the effects of TiN0.3 on the mechanical properties (especially fracture toughness) of the composites were discussed. Nonstoichiometric TiN0.3 synthesized via mechanical alloying (MA) possesses fine grain size and TiN-type structure with numerous N vacancies [10, 11], which are conducive to improving sinterability [11–14]. Furthermore, weakening covalent bond and strengthening metallic bond in TiN0.3 structure [15, 16] may have an important influence on the fracture toughness. This study aims to verify whether or not adding nonstoichiometric materials can increase the fracture toughness of Al2O3-based composites. 2. Experimental Raw materials used include TiN0.3 synthesized through MA [10, 11] and commercial powders Al2O3 (analytically pure, an average particle size of 1 ÃŽ ¼m). Powder mixtures were milled for 2 h in absolute ethanol using WC milling media on a Pulverisette 4 Vario-Planetary Mill (FRTSCH German) at 300 rpm. SPS (3.20 MK-IV, Sumitomo Coal Mining Co., Ltd.) was performed in vacuum (6Ãâ€"10−3 Pa) at different heat treatment temperatures (1300–1600  °C) for 10min at 30 MPa. The heating rate was 100  °C/min. The temperature was determined using an optical pyrometer focused on the non-through hole located on the surface of the graphite die. Phase identification was performed through X-ray diffraction (XRD) with Cu KÃŽ ± radiation by using a D/MAX-2500PC diffractometer (Rigaku). Microstructures of the specimen’s polished surface and fracture cross-sections were observed using an S-3400N (Hitachis) scanning electron microscope (SEM) equipped with electron back-scattered diffraction (Edax-Tsl, Ametek). The bending strength was measured with Instron-5848 MicroTester (America) using the three point bending test with a span length of 13 mm and crosshead speed of 0.5 mm/min. Fracture toughness was determined through the Vickers indentation method proposed by Anstis et. al [17]. Measurements of the hardness and fracture toughness were conducted using an FM-700 Vickers hardness tester (Future-Tech, Japan) by indentation using a pyramidal indenter and applying a 10 kg load for 10 s. 3. Results 3.1 XRD identification and morphology observation Fig. 1 shows the XRD patterns of Al2O3–30 vol% TiN0.3 composite sintered via SPS at different temperatures in vacuum (6Ãâ€"103 Pa) for 10 min. Only TiN0.3 and ÃŽ ±-Al2O3 phases are detected in the XRD patterns. It suggests that no chemical reaction occurs between the second phase and the matrix. Fig. 2 shows the back-scattered SEM micrograph of the polished surface of Al2O3–30 vol% TiN0.3 composite sintered via SPS at 1400  °C in vacuum (6Ãâ€"103 Pa) for 10 min. The gray grains are Al2O3, while the white ones are TiN0.3. TiN0.3 grains are uniformly dispersed in Al2O3 matrix. Fig. 3 shows the microstructure of the fracture cross-sections of Al2O3–30 vol% TiN0.3 composite sintered via SPS at different temperatures in vacuum (6Ãâ€"103 Pa) for 10 min. When the sintering temperature is raised to 1400  °C, the grain size of the composite is fine and approximately 2 ÃŽ ¼m for Al2O3; the fracture mode is mainly intergranular (Fig. 3 b). Then the gains grew obviously with further raising the sintering temperature, here ~3-4 ÃŽ ¼m at 1500  °C and ~4-5 ÃŽ ¼m at 1600  °C for Al2O3; the fracture modes are intergranular and transgranular (Fig. 3 c and d). In addition, Al2O3–30 vol% TiN0.3 composite has not reached full density at 1300  °C, as indicated both by the SEM observations (Fig. 3) and measured hardness values (Fig. 5). Fig. 4 shows the microstructure of the fracture cross-sections of Al2O3–TiN0.3 composites with different TiN0.3 contents sintered via SPS at 1400  °C in vacuum (6Ãâ€"103 Pa) for 10 min. The grain size of Al2O3 existed in all samples does not change significantly. It is not agreement with the previous study that the addition of TiN effectively inhibits the grain growth of Al2O3 [9]. This phenomenon may be attributed to the fact that Al2O3–TiN0.3 composites have good sinterability. In addition, the fracture morphology is influenced by TiN0.3 content in these samples. The fracture mode of Al2O3–TiN0.3 composites with TiN0.3 contents from 10 vol% to 30 vol% (Fig. 4 a–c) is mainly intergranular. But, the fracture modes of Al2O3–TiN0.3 composite with 40 vol% TiN0.3 (Fig. 4 d) are intergranular and transgranular. The explanation for the fracture mode change is that the grain boundaries in Al2O3–TiN0.3 composites are strengthened, inhibiting inter granular crack propagation. 3.2 Mechanical properties Fig. 5 a shows the Vickers hardness of Al2O3–30 vol% TiN0.3 composite sintered at different temperatures. The Vickers hardness of Al2O3–30 vol% TiN0.3 composite sintered at 1400  °C reaches to the highest value of 18.75 GPa, then slightly reduces with raising the sintering temperature, which is due to grain growth [9, 18, 19] (Fig. 3 b-d). Fig. 5 b shows the Vickers hardness of Al2O3–TiN0.3 composites sintered at 1400  °C versus TiN0.3 content. The Vickers hardness of Al2O3–TiN0.3 composites with different TiN0.3 contents from 10 vol% to 40 vol% reaches to a range of 17–19 GPa, which is no significant difference from that of pure Al2O3 and close to that of Al2O3–TiN nanocomposites [1]. Fig. 6 shows the bending strength of Al2O3–TiN0.3 composites sintered at 1400  °C versus TiN0.3 content. The bending strength of Al2O3–TiN0.3 composites sintered at 1400  °C increases with increasing TiN0.3 contents from 10 vol% to 40 vol%, and is higher than that of Al2O3 ceramics. As adding TiN0.3 into Al2O3 matrix, the microstructure is improved and the grain boundaries are strengthened, which lead to an increase in the bending strength of Al2O3–TiN0.3 composites. The fracture toughness of the composite with 30 vol% TiN0.3 sintered at 1500  °C reaches to the highest value of 6.91 MPa m1/2, as shown in Fig. 5 a, which is much higher than that of nano- or micron-sized Al2O3–TiN composites [1, 4, 5, 9, 20]. And the fracture toughness of the composites sintered at 1400  °C increases with the addition of TiN0.3, and presents a maximum value of 6.60 MPa m1/2 at 30 vol% TiN0.3, then decreases with further increasing the amount of TiN0.3, as shown in Fig. 5 b. These results are in agreement with previous studies [1, 4, 5, 9, 20]. For particulate reinforced composites, many toughening mechanisms such as crack pinning, microcrack toughening, crack deflection, residual stress toughening and crack bridging have been proposed. For TiN–Al2O3 composites, Li et al. [1] reported that possible toughening mechanisms are crack deflections and/ or crack pinning; Shen et al. [9] pointed out that the predominating toughening mechanism is related to crack tilting and twisting caused by thermal expansion and/ or elastic modulus mismatch stresses. It is difficult to indicate a prevailing toughening mechanism. In this research, maybe some of these toughening mechanisms are active at the same time. Nonetheless, due to structure defect, TiN0.3 may have an important influence on the fracture toughness. It will be discussed subsequently in more detail. 4. Discussion The above experimental results suggest that adding a nonstoichiometric TiN0.3 phase is more effective for improving the fracture toughness of Al2O3-based composites. To explain the phenomenon, based on the first-principles density functional theory [15, 16, 21], the density of states (DOS) for TiN and TiNx was calculated, as shown in Fig 7. Close to the Fermi level, the DOS for TiN consists of hybridized Ti-3d and N-2p states, as shown in Fig. 7. It can be seen that the DOS for TiN at the Fermi level is not at the minimum and mainly dominated by Ti-3d states. This is an evidence that the cohesion in TiN is a complex mixture of covalent, ionic (a little) and metallic types. The new structures in the DOS for TiNx near the Fermi level can clearly be seen in Fig. 7, which are called ‘vacancy state associated structures’ [15, 16]. It can be explained by symmetry changes resulting from the vacancy sites in the lattice. Titanium atoms are completely equivalent in a perfect stoichiometric rocksalt structure. But, in a nonstoichiometric structure, both Ti neighboring levels of symmetry interact together through a vacancy (symbolized by à ¢- ¡) to establish a Ti–à ¢- ¡Ã¢â‚¬â€œTi bond which is absent in the stoichiometric titanium compound. In other words, the covalent bonding is weakened and the metallic bonding is strengthened as the nitrogen concentration is reduced in nonstoichiometric TiNx, which are indicated by the peaks observed near the Fermi level on the DOS curves in Fig. 7 and in accordance with Refs. [15, 16]. Al2O3 is a kind of brittle material due to the lack of active slip system essentially. The active slip systems determined by covalent bonding for the nitrides can be increased by adding a nonstoichiometric material. Rowcliffe et al. [22] had reported that TiC has the {111} 0> slip system at high temperature and the {110} 0> slip system at room temperature. The root cause of the change of the slip systems is that the cohesion in TiC is a complex mixture of covalent, ionic (a little) and metallic types. At low temperature, the bonding is covalent with strong, directional bonding between neighboring carbon and metal atoms; as the temperature is raised, electrons are transferred from these bonds into less localized metallic states. Such a transfer has the effect of reducing both the directionality and strength of the bonds. They also pointed out that the covalent contribution to bonding becomes less as the carbon concentration in nonstoichiometric TiCx decreases [20]. TiC and TiN crystals belong to the same space group (FM-3M, cubic system) and the atomic radii of C and N are closed. It is inferred that TiN (or TiNx) has the similar slip system. Same as previous analysis, the nitrogen concentration in TiN0.3 is very low, which leads to weakening covalent bond and strengthening metallic bond. Maybe the {111} 0> slip system, or some of it, is active at room temperature. In other words, there may be more active slip systems at room temperature in Al2O3–TiN0.3 composites. This is a major reason for the improvement of the fracture toughness of Al2O3–TiN0.3 composites. 4. Conclusions This paper introduces a new and effective method to improve the fracture toughness of Al2O3-based composites by adding a nonstoichiometric material. Al2O3–TiN0.3 composites were prepared via SPS at a relatively low temperature. The fracture toughness and bending strength of the composites have been greatly improved and the hardness is almost identical to that of Al2O3 matrix. Based on the first-principles density functional theory, the DOS for TiN and TiNx was calculated. The covalent bonding is weakened and the metallic bonding is strengthened as the nitrogen concentration is reduced in nonstoichiometric TiNx. The active slip systems determined by covalent bonding for the nitrides are possibly increased by adding nonstoichiometric TiN0.3, which improves the fracture toughness of Al2O3-based composites. Acknowledgments The authors gratefully acknowledge financial support from Key Laboratory of Metastable Materials Science and Technology, the Science and Technology Foundation of Hebei (E2012203116), the Key Item of Education Department of Hebei (ZH2012003), Synergy Innovation Plan Project of College of Mechanical Engineering (JX2014-3), and Heavy Machinery Synergy Innovation Plan Project (ZX01-20140100-01). References [1] Jingguo Li, Lian Gao, Jingkun Guo. Mechanical properties and electrical conductivity of TiN–Al2O3 nanocomposites. J. Eur. Ceram. Soc. 2003; 23: 74-6. [2] Songlin Ran, Lian Gao. Electrical properties and microstructural evolution of ZrO2–Al2O3–TiN nanocomposites prepared by spark plasma sintering. Ceram. Int. 2012; 38: 4928-6. [3] Bellosi A., Guicciardi S., Tampieri A.. 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Fig. 3 SEM micrographs of fracture cross-sections of Al2O3–30 vol.% TiN0.3 composite sintered via SPS at different temperatures in vacuum (6Ãâ€"103 Pa) for 10 min: (a) 1300  °C; (b) 1400  °C; (c) 1500  °C; (d) 1600  °C. Fig. 4 SEM micrographs of fracture cross-sections of the composites sintered via SPS at 1400  °C in vacuum (6Ãâ€"103 Pa) for 10 min: (a) Al2O3–10 vol% TiN0.3; (b) Al2O3–20 vol% TiN0.3; (c) Al2O3–30 vol% TiN0.3; (d) Al2O3–40 vol% TiN0.3. Fig. 5 Vickers hardness and fracture toughness of (a) Al2O3–30 vol% TiN0.3 composite versus sintering temperature; (b) Al2O3–TiN0.3 composites sintered at 1400  °C versus TiN0.3 content. Fig. 6 Bending strength of Al2O3–TiN0.3 composites sintered at 1400  °C versus TiN0.3 content. Fig. 7 Density of states for TiN and TiNx. à ¯Ã‚ Ã¢â‚¬ ºÃƒ ¯Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ªÃƒ ¯Ã‚ Ã‚  Corresponding author. Tel (fax): 086-0335-8061671; E-mail: [emailprotected] Supported by the Hebei Province Scientific Committee of China (Nos. E2012203116, ZH2012003, JX2014-3 and ZX01-20140100-01).

Sunday, October 13, 2019

How to Share the Gospel With an Atheist Essay -- How to Persuade an At

After moving back home, I enrolled in State University. After settling into my dorm, I began to build a relationship with my new roommate. To protect his privacy, I will refer to my roommate as "X". X was raised in the suburbs of Richmond, VA. He claims to be an atheist and is very knowledgeable about Christian-Atheist debate topics. As I have built a relationship with him, I learned that he was raised in a family where his father was never around. He was a successful athlete, student, and musician, and he brought many of his trophies and awards to college with him. He openly speaks about himself and his accomplishments. He recently opened up to me about an emptiness that has always been in his life. He said that he has always felt like he has had to perform for attention and affection from his mother, and deep down, he always dreamed that he would be so successful that his father would come back. Unfortunately, his father never did come back. Up to this point, I have been deliberate about how I communicate with him. There are many mistakes that can be made while communicating that can ruin a relationship or turn people from God. Communication is not merely made up of spoken and written words; there are many elements that are involved in communication. The elements of communication can be categorized into three main types. These types are verbal, nonverbal, and speech acts. As the name implies, verbal communication consists of word choice, and tone. In every culture, there are words that have positive or negative connotations associated with them. By choosing words carefully, a positive and healthy relationship can be built and maintained. In the case of X, who has had troubles with his father, I have been careful to ... ...he choice to accept or deny the gift of Christ. I will read Romans 10:9-10 and make sure that he understands how special he is. I will emphasize how God is a loving father and has always loved him. I will talk about how God will never leave him (Deuteronomy 31:6). Since X was raised in a competitive culture, I will make sure that he understands that he cannot earn his salvation, but it is only attained through the gift of Christ. Then, I would give him some time to think over it and make sure that he understands it fully. I would pray for him silently, and if he wanted to make a decision for Christ, I would pray with him and help him to voice his feelings to God. The rest of the work would be up to the Holy Spirit. BIBLIOGRAPHY Livermore, David A. 2010. Leading with Cultural Intelligence: The New Secret to Success. New York: American Management Association.

Saturday, October 12, 2019

Differences between The Birds the Movie and The Birds short story Essay

The Birds   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  The Birds, the movie was directed by Alfred Hitchcock and was based on the short story â€Å"The Birds† written by Daphne du Murrier. If you would have read the book and then watched the movie, you would see that very few things are the same. In both the short story and the movie flocks of gulls, robins, crows, and sparrows join each other. This is really weird because different species of birds never work together. The story and the film both have the same climate. It is cold and chilly; â€Å"the ground is frozen and it will be a black winter.† The climate gives the versions of the story a creepy and suspenseful feeling.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Each version also has the main characters boarding up the windows. Anyone who thought the birds won’t attack are usually found dead, but in the movie they are found with their eyes pecked out. Also, both the story and the movie have REALLY bad endings! They aren’t very similar, but they both leave you hanging. When you see a movie or read a book you want to know what happens to the main characters. In these two, you didn’t get an ending. They left you hanging and for some people that ruins it all. The birds attack in the same way also. They come through the house, peck at the windows, and try to come through the doors. They succeed in coming through upstairs in both the film and the short story.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  The short story and the film have the same plots and the same conflict ...

Friday, October 11, 2019

Self Introductory Speech

Tewyner Hall Speech 101 Ms. Walton Introductory Speech Jan. 28, 2013 Interrupted at Eighteen â€Å"Where do you see yourself in ten years;† is what my 11th grade teacher asked me. I didn’t have the slightest idea as to where I’d be in ten years; I only knew where I didn’t want to be. Unlike, all of my friends at the time I was the only one out of the group that didn’t want to become an adult; this was something that I was secretly afraid of. My dream of staying with my parents for the rest of my life was abruptly shattered at the age of 18 when I found out that I was pregnant.I was on the fast track to adulthood, something I had tried so hard to avoid. When my teacher asked me where I saw myself in ten years, I could only think about where I absolutely didn’t want be. I sat at my desk and pictured myself living with my parents pregnant with a â€Å"hip baby†. I can remember feeling an immediate chill of disappointment and disguiess at the thought of allowing myself to stoop to such circumstances. As a child my father told me that being pregnant, unwed and living with your parents is one of the most embarrassing and disappointing acts that you could commit towards yourself and your parents.Society often stereotyped pregnant unwed mothers as easy, gullible girls that couldn’t keep their legs closed. I did not want to be categorized that way I was too smart for that. I wanted to reside within the comfort of my parents’ home childless of course, and continue to do whatever they told me to do for the rest of my life. I knew exactly where I didn’t want to be yet, I was unsure of where I was going. My teenage years were the best years of my life.I had a large bedroom with wall to wall plush carpet, a bed fit for a princess, a white vanity set for all of my nail polish, a television and a spectacular view of the front and back of the house. I didn’t have to pay any bills or buy food. I had a p art time job, a driver license, a car, I was cute and semi- popular. My parents were proud of me. Life was good. I couldn’t understand why teenagers wanted to grow up so fast. When I was seventeen I told my mother that I didn’t want to turn 18 she laughed and said â€Å"The only way you can prevent yourself from turning 18 is if you die at 17†.I was afraid of not being good enough I didn’t think that I was smart enough to be an adult. Becoming an adult meant that you had to pay for everything, you’d have responsibilities, you’d have to endure the daily pressures of life and eventually realize that it’s a â€Å"cold hard world† out there. People are not going to love and care for you like your parents In April of 1999 I went to bed happy, content, and optimistic about my future. When I woke up my fingers and ankles where swollen, my body felt heavy, my stomach was abnormally large and when I turned over there was a hideous monst er man in my bed.I was 8 months pregnant and living at home with the father of my unborn child and my parents. My nightmare had come true. My bedroom was dilapidated; I walked over to the room window and whispered to myself â€Å"what a disgrace†. I was scared and ashamed of myself. Although my parents tried to hide it I knew they were heartbroken. My oldest sister would fuel my depression by carelessly blurting belittling remarks to me about my situation. She once asked me â€Å"why you keep having babies in my mama house. † This was exactly where I didn’t want be, But God had a plan for me.As I said before I didn’t have the slightest idea as to where I would be in ten years; I only knew where I didn’t want be. My children were my inspiration to move forward in life. I realized I couldn’t live with my parents forever. I had to become a positive example for my children. I made a list of short term and long term goals for our future. With the relentless support of my parents I began to embrace not only being a mother but an adult also. That was 13 years ago. In â€Å"Straighten Our Hair,† Bell Hooks, she wrote â€Å"It has been only in recent years that I could feel consistent pleasure with my hair†.These feelings remind me of the pleasure and comfort I felt as a child sitting between my mother’s legs feeling the warmth of her body as she combed and braided my hair. † Just like bell hooks I sometimes reminisce on the times when I was a young girl and the feelings of comfort, love, and satisfaction I received from my room and living with my parents. Today I am 33 years old and I can proudly say that I am not where I want be, but I’m far from where I used to be, God has surly worked on me. Thank you all for listening!

Thursday, October 10, 2019

Our Home and Racist Land Essay

Being one of the most socially developed and multicultural countries in the world everyone probably sees Canada as a Utopian country. Unfortunately Canada isn’t as perfect as everyone thinks it is, and a major persisting issue is racism. Being a multicultural there are many minorities and this usually results in racism, isolation, and unequal treatment amongst everyone. Unfortunately, racism gets more serious and turns into hate crime and that is a federal offence. Racisms not only affects adults at work or on the streets but also affects children in schools and daycare centers as kids are treated differently based on their skin color. We can all imagine that racism has disappeared but in reality we know that it will never leave. Racism is defined as a belief that inherent differences among human race, does that mean that all of us have to be one race in order to eliminate racism in our society? Practically, it is impossible to get rid of racial prejudice. Racism is common amongst the streets of Canada and especially Toronto as we are the most diverse city in Canada. Racism occurs everywhere from schools to workplaces. Even where I volunteer the guy who runs is racist, he is known for only hiring white people as his staff and Hispanic people to do the cleaning. Everywhere we turn we see racism. When a lady crosses the street and sees a person of African descent she will either take a different road or being to walk really fast. This is because we are all racist by habit now. We have been influenced by movies, TV shows, and the media. We are always bombarded by â€Å"20-year old black male wanted for robbery† or â€Å"32 year-old male black wanted for murder† in the media that everyone has come to a conclusion that all black people are criminals and that is wrong. To make matters worth parents will tell their kids not to hang out with â€Å"African† people and when that one African child gets secluded he will do anything to be part of the â€Å"group† and this is when the child starts to befriend the wrong people and he is now in a gang. He gets into unnecessary trouble and now is the top news on CTV and all of this was because one arent was racist and told his/her child not to be friends with a black person. A more severe case of racism is hate crime, and that is very common in Canada. Statistics Canada has released the numbers and it states that there have been 1473 hate-motivated crimes in 2009 and 52% was because of race/ethnicity, which means there have been 766 racist crimes. To be more specific almost 300 incidents were intended toward black people, 95 towards south Asians, and 75 towards Arabs. Even in the 21st century we are still witnessing violence toward people because of their skin color. Just by viewing these statistics you can conclude that Canada is still racist. To be more precise Canada has increased in hate crimes toward race from 2006-2009 by roughly 61%. Racial discrimination must stop immediately; it is not progressing society forward it is pulling us backward. At the end of the day we are all humans and we are all one race and this prejudice towards others because of the color of their skin is barbaric. Canada is most definitely still racist, we might seem like the perfect country to the eyes of others but we are far from a utopian society. Regardless of the fact you are Caucasian, African, Sri Lankan, Arab, and Chinese we are all humans, and racism just degrades us. Abraham Joshua Herschel, a Polish-born American rabbi once said â€Å"Racism is man’s gravest threat to man – the maximum hatred for a minimum of reason. â€Å" Racism was once the reason WWII had started and it was the reason we went through a terrifying era of slaves in North America. Both Canada and the global society are frequently showing racial animosity and this should not be tolerated.

Wednesday, October 9, 2019

Aquaculture And Fisheries Industry In Malaysia

Aquaculture And Fisheries Industry In Malaysia INTRODUCTION Aquaculture industry in Malaysia nowadays has become one of engine of growth that contributes to the improvement in the economy of our country. Fisheries industry is one of the main sectors of food supply in Malaysia. At 2008, aquaculture has achieved about 20.8% contribution in fisheries industry   [ 1 ]   . Among various types of aquaculture activities, brackish water aquaculture is the predominant practise in the industry. Aquaculture is becoming one of ways to enhance food security and increase export revenues of Malaysia. Thus, commercialisation of aquaculture industry is the great concern give by government and private sectors to promote a better life and standard of living of people despite of increasing the economy development. I want to investigate how far the commercialisation of shrimp does contribute in the aspect of economy development and Human Developing Index. I have the idea to do this research initially because I’ve seen that farmed shrimp h ave been demanded by people for many reasons. This research was done to investigate the effect of commercialisation of shrimp farming in aquaculture industry towards the area in Merbok, Kedah. Most of the shrimp farmers choose various type of shrimp in their farm according to demand by people. I chose to do this research in Merbok initially because it is one of important aquaculture area of in Kuala Muda, Kedah. Moreover, Kedah is poised to become a major shrimp aquaculture zone   [ 2 ]   . The research is significant to investigate the effect of commercialisation towards the surrounding area including farmers, households and private sectors in Merbok. The Malaysian government assists the shrimp culture industry through the Department of Fisheries, which provides advice and technical assistance. In addition, aquaculture industry is become to produce high value species for domestic market as well as for the export market. About 80 percent of the Malaysian shrimp culture productio n is exported, mostly to Singapore, Japan, the United States, and Europe. Export market contributes mainly towards increasing revenues in economy of Malaysia. But, in this research, there is no numerical data about export of shrimp because most of farmers in Merbok do not export their products directly. Besides, this research is significant to make the community realise the steps taken by government to improve income and standard of living of poor people in Malaysia in order to reduce poverty. Most of Malaysian does not aware of it. Commercialization is the main purpose did by government to attract more people involve in this profitable sector. Furthermore, I also include the challenges faced by farmers in shrimp farming. 1.2 RESEARCH OBJECTIVES This study is attempted to make a further study of the effects of commercialism of tiger shrimp farming towards economy of Merbok. The objectives of study are: To investigate on how and how far has the aquaculture industry brought to improve ment in the economy development of Merbok, Kedah. To study the demand and supply of tiger shrimp before and after commercialization. To investigate the government intervention to improve this industry as one of important industry in Merbok, Kedah. To investigate the role aquaculture industry in increasing the standard of living of farmers, graduates and etc.